The Code Jam Theme Tracks are specific categories or themes for participants to focus on while participating in the Code Jam event. Each track represents a different area of interest or challenge that participants can choose to tackle with their projects. The three tracks mentioned are as follows:
DeFi Track:
- Build decentralized web applications facilitating within DeFi.
Social Impact, Inclusivity Track:
- Build a decentralized web applications focused on social impact within ReFi and Defi.
UI/UX Track:
- Build a decentralized web application that prioritize on the design, usability aspects, user interface and overall user experience.
E-commerce Track:
- Innovate new methods for secure, efficient, and decentralized e-commerce platforms and supplychain.
Fork this repo
- Press the Fork button
Create project branch
Make your changes within new branch!
- Copy the folder named Project_Name
- Rename the copied folder with your project name
- Modify project details within your project folder
- Project Name
- Brief Description
- Team members & roles
- Code Jam track
- Project details
- Demonstartion video (*Required)
- Requirements (*Required)
- Instructions to build & test (*Required)
Add, commit, and push the changes
- Add the files you've changed and commit them with a descriptive message.
Submit your pull request (*Required)
- Submit to the maintainers for approval. Head over to the original repositories Pull Requests tab, you should see an automatic suggestion from GitHub to create a pull request from your new branch.
- Utilize your project name as the title for your initial pull Requests
- Provide a brief project description within the pull request comment
Congrats, your officially a Celo Code Jam participant!
This section contains information about some of the key tools and resources that will help developers start building applications on Celo.
For a comprehensive list of resources and information, review Celo Docs.
- celo-composer
- Celo Composer allows you to quickly build, deploy, and iterate on decentralized applications using Celo. It provides a number of frameworks, examples, and Celo specific functionality to help you get started with your next dApp.
- ContractKit
- Javascript package of Celo blockchain utilities
- Manage connections to the Celo blockchain, accounts, send transactions, interact with smart contracts, etc.
- A set of wrappers around the core protocol smart contracts to easily connect with contracts related to governance, validators, on-chain exchange, etc.
- Includes web3.js
- Celo Ethers.js Wrapper (experimental)
- A minimal wrapper to make ethers.js compatible with the Celo network
- use-react
- The easiest way to access Celo in your React applications 🔥. react-celo is a React hook for managing access to Celo with a built-in headless modal system for connecting to your users wallet of choice.
- Now your DApp can be made available to everyone in the Celo ecosystem, from Valora users to self custodied Ledger users.
- By default react-celo is styled so that you can drop it into your application and go, however it's fully customisable so you can maintain a consistent UX throughout your application.
- DappKit
- Easily connect to the Valora wallet with your React Native mobile application
- Valora manages user account, private keys and transaction signing, so you can focus on building your dapp
- Learn more and see the code with the Dappkit truffle box
- Python SDK
- Java SDK
- Valora provides a clean, intuitive UI where users can send transactions and interact with smart contracts
- Forno
- Node access service so you can connect your dapp to the Celo blockchain without having to run node infrastructure
- Oblivious decentralized identity service
- Lightweight identity layer that makes it easy to send cryptocurrency to a phone number
- Blockscout block explorers
- Alfajores testnet & mainnet
- to check network activity and health
- Alfajores Testnet
- Faucet for free testnet CELO and cUSD
- Forno supports connections to alfajores
- Requires Alfajores Celo wallet for mobile device testing (please request,
- Baklava testnet for validators and testing protocol changes
- Similarities between Celo and Ethereum means you can use many of the most popular Ethereum developer tools.
- Celo supports the EVM, so tools for writing smart contracts in Solidity (or any language that compiles to EVM bytecode) are compatible with Celo
- ERC20, NFT (ERC721) and other smart contract interface standards are supported, see Celo for Ethereum Developers
- Truffle
- OpenZeppelin
- Remix
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- Join our Discord
- Discourse Forum
We used the following Judging criteria to tally the points and award the winners of the Celo Code Jam
- Technology - Engineering skills demonstrated, and the quality code
- Design - Attention to aesthetics, interaction, and user interface
- Impact: A solution that meets a customer’s need has the potential to be a sustainable, impactful solution.
- Presentation - The clarity of written and oral presentation
- Inspiration - How much we love and are excited about the idea