Access the app on Heroku here
List of Bills, dragging a bill over will display further information
Local Representative page, found using Geolocation API, or manual address entry
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Tech Used
- API Reference
- Installation
- Functionality
- License
- In Retrospect
- Next Steps
- Group Members Responsibilities
- less.js
- Bootstrap
- Firebase
- interact.js
- jQuery
- ProPublica Congress
- Google Civic Information
- Geolocation
- Mapquest Reverse Geocode
To run the application locally, first clone this repository
git clone
Next, move into the project folder and install the dependencies
cd Boring-Political-App
npm install
Finally, run the server locally
node server
- User searches for topic
- User can drag and drop bills to learn more about them
- If they choose, user can click get involved button
- 'Get Involved' button asks for user's location
- Based on user's location, representatives will be shown
- Start think about accessibility early on!!
- Use ESLint, Gulp - other task runners
- When congressional people are shown - we would like to show how these people have previously voted on issues
- Breaking data down to show more local representatives
- Incorporate Tweets from politicians (able to obtain twitter handles from Google Civic API)
- Project Management & Information Architecture: Maddy
- Interface/Experience Design: Majid
- Web Content and Technology: Cavan
- Web Development and Production: Robert and Dan
- Quality Assurance and Editing: Group