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Symfony Commands Cheat Sheet

Daniel Metzner edited this page May 31, 2019 · 2 revisions
command description
bin/console list List console commands
bin/console catrobat:reset --hard Recreate database, clear cache
bin/console doctrine:migrations:XXX General command for handling migrations XXX can be: status, migrate, diff
bin/console fos:user:promote With parameter --super promotes an user to an admin.
For all options use parameter --help.
bin/console fos:user:demote With parameter --super demotes an user to a "normal" user.
For all options use parameter --help.
bin/console fos:user:change-password Change the users password.
For all options use parameter --help.
sudo service apache2 restart Restart apache
bin/console cache:clear Clear the cache
bin/console cache:clear --env=test Clear the cache for the test environment
bin/console about Useful information about the symfony environment