- Several improvements regarding applications, especially the generated PDFs:
- Motion types can now force motion titles to have a certain beginning, like "Application: ".
- A new PDF template is introduced specifically for applications, if the LaTeX-based PDF-renderer is used.
- For each section of a motion type, it is now possible to specify if the title will be explicitly printed in the PDF of not.
- If the uploaded image is way too big (bigger than 1000x2000px), it is resized to keep the size of the PDF at a reasonable size.
- Two new statuses are introduced: "Resoluton" and "Resolution (preliminary)". Motions of these states...
- are shown on the consultation home page separately in a slightly different view (initiators are not mentioned anymore).
- have a different header as regular motions in the web- and the PDF-view.
- can neither have amendments nor comments.
- Several improvements regarding merging amendments into motions / creating the final motion version:
- When editing the merged view with the amendments' change inlined into the text, this draft can be exported into a PDF to document the merging process.
- After creating the final text, administrators can decide if the new version of this motion is a regular motion again, or a (preliminary) resolution.
- When creating a motion, the confirmation page now shows a preview of the generated PDF.
- In the initiator form, the resolution date for organizations submitting a motion is now optional. An additional optional field to add one's gender was added.
- When exporting the proposed procedure list into ODS, there is now an option to also include the comments.
- Bugfix: When a motion type was created from the scratch and motion sections positioned right were added, the layout didn't switch to two-column mode.
- Bugfix: When an optional image was not uploaded, the LaTeX-based PDF export did not work.
- Internal: translatable strings can now include a comment / description which will be displayed in the translation page.