To run the application -
- Enter src directory
- Run
- If no stored data exists, input the categories to store for residents in order of priority (e.g., name, room no., age, gender)
- Select button to Identify resident, Add new resident, or Remove existing resident
- To Add or Remove a resident, follow instructions in terminal
- Press Q to exit Identify, Add, Remove screens
- Press SPACE when in Identify or Add screen to select resident
- Click X (top-right) to close main menu screen
Clarifications -
- All data is stored in data/people/people.pkl, which is generated blank if it doesn't exist already
- Loading image shown during Add feature is stored at data/screenshots/loading_screenshot.jpg
Notes -
- Application uses camera connected to computer and flips/rotates image to account for mobile phone layout
- Therefore, laptop camera might be oriented improperly
Additional Notes -
- This does not contain code for a personal monitor for residents, but that could be easily created using this code