A hybrid mobile mental health application designed for North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and implemented using the Ionic SDK. Provides information on self-help, local services, motivational media and mood journal & tracker features.
To view a demo of this application on your phone:
Download Ionic View and use the code 3e5bf44c to view.
Requirements to use this project:
Node.js (https://nodejs.org/download/) and npm (Node Package Manager, which comes with node.js installation) In case you don't have the latest version of npm:
$ sudo npm install npm -g
Cordova and Ionic CLI - to install both of these, run the following command:
$ sudo npm install cordova ionic -g
Install NPM Dependencies: Once you clone this repository, run this command on your terminal to install all needed dependencies:
$ npm install
Install cordova plugin Dependencies: Run this command on your terminal to install all needed puglins:
$ cordova prepare
After installing the needed dependencies you're ready to launch the app using either of the following commands:
$ ionic lab
$ ionic serve
To run on a device, run the following commands:
$ ionic cordova platform add ios
$ ionic cordova build ios
Substitute ios for android if not on a Mac. For more information about installing visit https://ionicframework.com/docs/v1/guide/installation.html.
Aisha Ahmed (ucabat1), Jason Deakin (j4sond3ak1n), Caroline Smith (carolinesmith123)