Get address by zipcode, by searching the viacep API
There are four ways to execute this project:
- Codespace: idea online from github which you don't need install anything;
- Docker;
- Favorite IDE local;
- Jar;
- Maven;
- Docker;
- Clone the project:;
- Open the terminal at the root of project;
- Execute the command: mvn clean package
- Execute the command: docker build -t address .
- Execute the command: docker run -p 8080:8080 address
- Java 11;
- IDE (suggested intellij)
- Lombok;
- Maven;
- Enable annotation processers from your IDE;
- Clone the project:;
- Open the project in your IDE;
- Execute the command: mvn clean install;
- Execute the AddressApiApplication class;
- Open Postman;
- Import the curl;
- Execute the request;
- Java 11;
- Maven;
- Clone the project:;
- Open the terminal at the this path: address-api/adapter/target
- Execute the command: java -jar adapter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
curl --location 'localhost:8080/v1/get-address?zipcode=95603620'