BEM class names are systematic. So why write them yourself?
Note, as of Meteor 1.3, this will no longer be supported. Please use the original repo: react-bem.
meteor add capsulecat:react-bem
React BEM automatically generates BEM style classes for React components because the very nature of BEM makes them systematic.
The package gives you a ReactBEM
Todo = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactBEM],
bem_blocks: ["widget"],
bem_block_modifiers: ["test"],
bem_render: function () {
return (
<div role="introduction">
Which will output:
<div class="widget--test__introduction widget__introduction" data-reactid=".0">
<p class="widget--test__p widget__p" data-reactid=".0.0.0">Hello</p>
Tests use Mocha. You can run tests completely from the command line:
VELOCITY_TEST_PACKAGES=1 meteor test-packages --driver-package velocity:html-reporter --velocity ./