SourceCode Dashboard Portal is an Organisational and group dashboard organizing status and documentation from GitHub repositories. It is designed for small to medium sized organizations (<2500 commits/hour). If you need support for higher commit-volumes please contact the authors and we’ll help you configure the system to your volumes/needs.
Grouping features
Quick overview of status for systems consisting of multiple codebases
Browse commitslogs for systems consisting of several codebases
See the status of all the codebases in a group
Easy access to all documentation in one place
Organization features
Quick overview of status for all codebases in an organization
Browse commitslogs for and latest changes for an entire organization
See the status of all the groups in an organization
Easy access to all documentation in one place
### Start SCP dockerimage with oauth2 client credentials at startup
$ sudo docker run --env github.oauth2.client.clientId=xyz --env github.oauth2.client.clientSecret=556542654721-it --rm -p 80:9090 cantara/sourcecodeportal
### Test the result
$ wget http://localhost/health
$ wget http://localhost/health/github
$ wget http://localhost/docs
### Copy a site-configuration to a running SCP docker image
$ docker inspect -f '{{.Id}}' cantara/sourcecodeportal
$ docker inspect -f '{{.Id}}' d8e703d7e303
$ sudo cp config.json /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/**d8e703d7e3039a6df6d01bd7fb58d1882e592a85059eb16c4b83cf91847f88e5**/home/sourcecodeportal/config_override/conf/config.json
An early example can be accessed Here
You might want to take a look at the provided Dockerfile to get installation details.
http://localhost:9090/health [Health/status]
http://localhost:9090/docs [SourceCode Documentation Portal site]
http://localhost:9090/dump [Test of requests]
ChromeDriver is required for obtaining GitHub access token.
An OAuth2 App must be created for your organization on This is where you find your ClientId and ClientSecret.
An access-token must be generated before you can use this software. Please configure
according to
and run the test case ObtainGitHubAccessTokenTestTool
. Configure
with github.client.accessToken=ACCESS_TOKEN
The ObtainGitHubAccessTokenTestTool doesn’t work for Multi-Factor-Auth, in which prohibits use of github.client.accessToken . If access token is not configured; the client_id and client_secret will be applied on all GitHub requests. This is a workaround until oauth is handled by a website redirect scheme.
Ubuntu installation:
`apt-get install chromedriver`
MacOS installation:
`brew install chromedriver`
The ClientID and ClientSecret is found under you OAuth app:
`docker run -it -e SCP_github.oauth2.client.clientId=CLIENT_ID -e SCP_github.oauth2.client.clientSecret=CLIENT_SECRET cantara/sourcecodeportal /github-access-token`
Enter username, password and otp if you are using 2/mfa at GitHub.
### Open a terminal and change into the /opt directory.
$ cd /opt
### Use wget to download the ngrok application.
$ sudo wget
### Extract the downloaded file.
$ sudo unzip
### Move the file into the /usr/local/bin directory to make it easily executable.
$ sudo mv ngrok /usr/local/bin
### Note the hex-id when you start ngrok
$ ngrok http 9090
### test that ngrok is happy
$ curl -I https://<hex-uid-from-running-ngrok>
- [Set up/find github webhook]
use https://<hex-uid-from-running ngrok>
select and set a secret (same as github.webhook.securityAccessToken in
Let me select individual events. select: Branch or tag creation, Pushes and Releases
Upon save, you will see _POST /github/webhook 200 OK _ in the ngrok window
Update github.webhook.securityAccessToken_ in with the secret value from the github webhook registration
Do a commit/push and observe something like this in the scp log
21:21:53.054 [XNIO-1 task-1] TRACE n.c.docsite.controller.GithubWebhookController - Event — xHubSignature: sha1=0fd0e22868e244102929297758fd35a — xHubEvent: push → Payload:
21:20:21.373 [XNIO-1 task-1] DEBUG n.c.docsite.controller.GithubWebhookController - GitHub WebHook is authorized..
21:20:21.373 [XNIO-1 task-1] DEBUG n.c.docsite.controller.GithubWebhookController - Received Push Event!
Install NPM and Get Bootstrap and generate CSS using Sass:
`mvn mvn clean install -DskipTests`
The build does not require any native pre-installation of this toolset. They are automatically set up by the maven plugins.
SCP depends on npm
, node
and sass
for the website. When you’re working with ThymeLeaf templating you need those tools installed locally. There are few steps that is useful to reduce the amount server restarts.
`apt-get install nodejs` (requires 10.x+ and will also install npm for you)
`apt-get install sass` (requires 3.5+)
Follow this step if you want to page template changes to to be syncronized with target/classes/META-VIEW/views
Keymap → Main menu → Build and assign a shortcut to Rebuild (on mac: cmd+shift+s)
To suppress JDK 11 warnings in IntelliJ when running Server
, add VM option: --illegal-access=deny
To detect changes to sass files and have the compiler produce new target/classes/META-INF/views/css/app.css
file, either do:
Use Sass Plugin (which doesn’t require any native installation):
mvn com.github.warmuuh:libsass-maven-plugin:watch
. This is much slower than using the native sass command.. -
Use native Sass command:
sass --watch src/main/sass/scss:target/classes/META-INF/views/css
Now you should be able to tailor your pages on the fly and only restart the server when you do code changes that requires recompilation of the code base.
Push CommitEvents arrives as single objects.
Pull CommitEvents arrives as arrays.