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Open Source Protocol for Orchestration of Domestic and Cross Border Logistics Workflow
The Open Logistics Protocol (OLP) enables participants in the logistics industry to exchange information and value in a peer to peer environment while providing an unalterable and single and global source of truth about the transactions for all parties involved. It allows the participants and their systems to virtually “fuse” or “consolidate” information silos to build innovative services.
The protocol is an inclusive one, limited only by whether the participants have legal authority to move shipments and perform business transactions in their jurisdictions. The protocol has a global appeal. With localization, it can be adopted anywhere in the world.
The current scope of this protocol is limited to managing ground freight transportation of full truck load, partial truck load, and drayage shipments moved by the Class 8 trucks. Such heavy trucks cover first mile and mostly mid mile freight transportation in the US and other countries.
In the future, the protocol can include other modes (i.e., air, rail, ocean, intermodal) of freight transport.
As a Web3 protocol, the OLP is designed to leverage network effects while capturing value and distribute it equitably among its users, in a neutral, cooperative style network, getting progressively decentralized as it grows. However, as a humble beginning OLP is a permissioned network of nodes operated by freight tech companies and other logistics firms. Eventually, it will be an open source, owned and governed by the node operators and companies that participate in the network.
IMPORTANT: Available documents are in draft form and are subject to change without notice.
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