This git repository contains the java text editor project. It has been realized in the context of of the course tools and methods for development.
Development configuration : Windows 11 (updated) + IntelliJ 2022.2.2 + openJDK 18.0.2
📄 Design and implementation reports are at the root of the repository
The V1 folder of this project contains a design folder in which are stored all the plantUML codes plantUML codes that were used to design the project as well as the src folder that contains any contains any implementation.
The design folder is separated between the UML scripts and the produced images, this allows to find the images more easily if they are easier to find the images if they are too small on the report (especially the class diagram).
The src folder is a Java module that contains a source folder (src), separated in two parts. First we find the implementation package with all the class files. There are the command files (Copy, Cut, Delete, Insert, Paste and Replace), the invoker file (DummyInvoker), the implementation of the reciever (Engine) as well as the GUI (MyGUI), the buffer (SimpleBuffer) and the clipboard (SimpleClipboard).
Then we find the interfaces folder which, as its name indicates, contains all the interfaces interfaces useful to the project and which are referenced in the class diagram.
When the program is run, the interface opens. It is composed of a banner with :
- The indicator of the position of the first cursor and its modifiable label
- The indicator of the position of the second cursor and its modifiable label
- The three buttons for copying, cutting and pasting
The labels that indicate the position of the cursors can be modified, they govern the position of the of the cursors. If the indicated value is greater than the length of the text, the position is automatically set to the maximum position. It is not possible to insert non-numeric characters characters, the cursor will move to the end of the text.
For the copy/cut buttons, they use the position of the two cursors, regardless of the relative position of relative to each other. To paste on a selection, the second cursor must be on a different To paste on a selection, the second cursor must be on a different position than the first cursor.
The V2 folder was created by duplicating the V1 folder. The architecture is more or less the same. the same. The main difference is in the srcV2 folder. The arrangement of the files implementation is organized according to the different design patterns and the concrete commands are grouped together in a Command sub-folder. A script folder has been added to user-created scripts and a dat folder to store the icons of the application. icons of the application.
When you launch the interface of V2, you notice that there have been changes:
- The buttons have been replaced by a menu banner
- the color theme has changed
- the main banner has become a small information banner at the bottom
All the features of V1 are still available, the copy, cut and paste buttons are all in the menu all in menu>edit. This section also includes the two new features undo and redo to undo an action or cancel an undo.
Scripts are now available! These scripts will save all commands until the save. To play a script, you have to go to menu>script>load and choose the script to be executed from the list of available scripts.
Other new features:
The two cursors are now synchronous. To make a selection, you just have to move the second the second cursor.
It is possible to quit the application from the menu>system>exit
The carriage return has been added to the list of available characters
It is possible to move the main cursor with the left and right arrows and the second cursor with the up second cursor with the up and down arrows.
- Keyboard shortcuts are available!
- copy => ctrl + F1
- cut => ctrl + F2
- paste => ctrl + F3
- undo => ctrl + F4
- redo => ctrl + F5