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How To: Adding a New Status

Jon Prentice edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 1 revision

How to Add a New Status

1. Modify seclab.go.

In func main(), change:


if len(os.Args)%4 != {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: seclab key [dest open closed coffee NEWSTATE [..]]\n")


Change iterator step value:


for i := 2; i+2 < len(os.Args); i += VAL {


Add new argument and modify Backend parameters:


        NEWfile := os.Args[i+PARAMVAL]
        s.AddBackend(backend.New(dest, openfile, closedfile, coffeefile, NEWfile))


2. Modify server/server.go.

Add a new byte:


      reqClose    = 0x00
      reqCoffee   = 0xcc
      reqNEW      = 0xVALID-BYTECODE
      reqKeygen   = 0xaa


Create a new status function:


func (s *server) FUNCNAME error {
        for _, b := range s.backend {
 		if err := b.NAME(); err != nil {
 			return err
        return nil


Modify dispatchRequest function:


	} else if status == reqNAME {
		outLog.Print("Received request: close")
		return []byte{respAllGood}, s.FUNCNAME()
	} else if status == reqKeygen {


3. Modify backend/backend.go.

Add new function to Backend interface and fileBackend struct:


type Backend interface {
 	Open() error
 	Close() error
 	Coffee() error
 	NAME() error

type fileBackend struct {
 	linkPath   string
 	openPath   string
 	closedPath string
	coffeePath string
	NAMEPath string


Modify creation of new Backend instance to include new status image path:


func New(linkPath, openPath, closedPath, coffeePath string, NAMEPath string) Backend {
 	return &fileBackend{
 		linkPath:   linkPath,
 		openPath:   openPath,
 		closedPath: closedPath,
 		coffeePath: coffeePath,
 		NAMEPath: NAMEPath,


Create new fileBackend function:


func (b *fileBackend) NAME() error {
	return atomicLink(b.NAMEPath, b.linkPath)


4. Modify server/server_test.go.

Create new countingBackend function:


func (b *countingBackend) NAME() error {
	b.numClose += 1
	return nil


Create new errorBackend function:


func (b *errorBackend) NAME() error {
	return errors.New("NAME error")


5. Modify backend/backend_test.go.

Modify backend object within TestBadPaths function to add new parameter and execute new test function:


func TestBadPaths(t *testing.T) {
	b := backend.New("fakelink", "fakeopen", "fakeclose", "fakecoffee", "NAME")
	if err := b.Open(); err == nil {


	if err := b.NAME(); err == nil {
		t.Error("Expected LineError")


Make necessary changes to TestLink function:


	closed := filepath.Join(tempDir, "close.txt")
	coffee := filepath.Join(tempDir, "coffee.txt")
	NAME := filepath.Join(tempDir, "NAME.txt")
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(open, []byte("Lab Open"), 0644); err != nil {


	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(NAME, []byte("STATUS MSG"), 0644); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("WriteFile: %v", err)


	b := backend.New(link, open, closed, coffee, NAME)


	// Try to NAME
	if err := b.NAME(); err != nil {
	data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(link)
	if err != nil {
	} else if bytes.Compare(data, []byte("STATUS MSG")) != 0 {
		t.Error("Expected STATUS MSG, got", string(data))

6. Copy badge file and change perms.

  1. Create badge from

(8D6E63 can be tweaked to some other hex color)

  1. Copy badge file to /var/www/seclab/

  2. Create compressed version:

  1. Make sure permissions are set correctly:
sudo chown seclab:seclab FILENAME

7. Success


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