An android application which uses mock quiz API for getting questions.
If the app cannot get questions, check the mock quiz API.
- Quiz Features (Getting questions and listing answers, deleting cached questions, timer for life time and remaining time)
- Caching Questions (Offline capability)
- Unit Tests
- Kotlin - Officially supported programming language for Android development by Google
- Kotlin DSL - Alternative syntax to the Groovy DSL
- Coroutines - Perform asynchronous operations
- Flow - Handle the stream of data asynchronously
- Android Architecture Components
- LiveData - Notify views about data changes
- Room - Persistence library
- ViewModel - UI related data holder
- ViewBinding - Allows to more easily write code that interacts with views
- Hilt - Dependency Injection framework
- Retrofit - Networking library
- Moshi - A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java
- Coil - Image loading library
- The project uses MockWebServer (scriptable web server) to test Quiz API interactions.