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Configuration File

2No2Name edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 9 revisions

This wiki page is outdated. Check instead. Make sure to select the according branch

Lithium makes use of the Java properties format for its configuration file. If the configuration file does not exist during game start-up, a blank file with a comment to this page will be created.

This configuration file defines overrides for options in Lithium, and as such, a blank file is perfectly normal! It simply means that you'd like to use all the default values.

Each category below includes a list of options which can be changed by the user. Due to the nature of the mod, configuration options require a game restart to take effect.

Editing the configuration file

All configuration options in Lithium are simple key-value pairs. In other words, you first specify the option's name, followed by the desired value, like so:

The remarks after the # are comments and exist for your own book-keeping. As such, you don't need to include them, but you might want to include a note as to why you're modifying a default value.

Configuration options

This list of options is not updated very frequently and might be outdated. For an updated list of options, check .

Entity AI

(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following AI optimizations will disabled.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, a faster implementation of the goal selector for entity AI will be used. This will generally provide a decent improvement to server tick rates in nearly all cases and is generally safe to enable.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, an event-based system for tracking nearby entities will be available.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, a number of AI goals which query for nearby entities in the world every tick will be changed to use the event-based system for tracking nearby entities. In other words, instead of entities constantly polling to see if other entities are nearby, they will instead be notified only occasionally when such an entity enters their range. This significantly reduces the amount of CPU overhead added by these goals and should be safe to enable.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, a faster code path will be used for determining what kind of path-finding node type is associated with a given block. Additionally, a faster chunk cache will be used for accessing blocks while evaluating paths.

(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following AI POI optimizations will be disabled.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, the initialization of the poi storage will use faster collections and will be sped up by avoiding stream code.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, a secondary lookup table will be used for points of interests used by Villagers and other complex mob AIs. When one of these entities goes to lookup nearby points of interests, they will then be able to scan all points in a chunk in one operation rather than needing to scan each sub-chunk individually. This can greatly reduce the amount of overhead incurred by these tasks.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, raid logic will be optimized to avoid expensive logic and network updates, which might help with certain raid farms.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, the complex AI brain system used by Villagers and some other entities will be optimized through replacing the streams-based code with more traditional iteration. This can reduce a huge amount of CPU and memory allocation overhead, speeding up the game when entities using this system are present in the world.



(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following allocation optimizations will disabled.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, random block ticking will be optimized to no longer use block position allocations, thereby reducing the object allocation rate.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, chunk ticking will avoid repeated lambda allocations and reuse lists.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, composters will reuse the available slot arrays that are requested by hoppers.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, entity trackers will use a fastutil set to store the watching players.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, a number of locations in the game will be patched to not call Enum#values() in hot code. Each one of these calls would othewrise clone the backing array in order to protect against writers, which in turn would create large allocations that slow the game down.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, a repeated lambda allocation when evaluating explosion behavior will be avoided.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, an optimized map iterator that reuses Entry objects will be used when ticking



(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following block optimizations will disabled.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, block states will be extended to store their contained fluid in order to speed up many fluid-checking operations.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, moving blocks and retracting pistons will avoid calculating their VoxelShapes by reusing previously created VoxelShapes.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, BlockNeighborGroups that are used in fluid code will cache their hashcode.


Optimizations for chunks and block data containers.


(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following chunk optimizations will disabled.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, chunk sections will keep track on the number of blocks that exceed the 1x1x1 area they contain. If there are no oversized blocks, mixin.entity.fast_suffocation_check and mixin.entity.collisions will use this information to scan a smaller area of blocks.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, a static analysis is performed on all Entity classes. Class groups for entities with hitboxes like boats and shulkers or collision behavior like boats and minecarts will be used by mixin.entity.collisions to avoid scanning all entities of classes for special collision behavior.


(boolean, default: true)

If enabled, this option will remove debug statements in the chunk section code.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, the vanilla hash palette (which maps a small range of integers from chunk data into blocks) will be replaced with an optimized variant.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, the collection for block updates to be sent to players will be replaced with a hashset. The hashset is significantly faster than the arrayset, which reduces lag spikes when performing large fill commands.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, an optimized method for compacting a chunk's palette upon serialization will be used. This is greatly faster the vanilla implementation and should be safe to use, providing a boost when the server is saving many chunks.



(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following collection optimizations will disabled.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, the expensive check to see if a TypeFilterableList can be filtered by a specific class will only be made when a new list for that type needs to be created.

Entities and Mobs

Optimizations for entity ticking.


(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following entity optimizations will disabled.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, a number of optimizations will be applied to entity collision detection and resolution in order to speed up some common operations. This can greatly reduce the amount of time entity ticking takes in a server.


(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following data tracker optimizations will disabled.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, unnecessary locking code will be removed from the data tracker used for entities. This code used to have a purpose in older versions of the game, but has since become irrelevant. This could, however unlikely, cause issues if mods are installed which try to access the data tracker on the wrong thread.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, an optimized map implementation will be used for entity data tracking which avoids integer boxing and a map lookup by using a simple array.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, suffocation testing will iterate over blocks in a more efficient order.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, entities that are trying to move downwards will skip cheching collisions with all nearby blocks if the block below already stops them from falling.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, block updates will skip notifying mob navigations that won't react to the block update anyways.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, entities of a type will be queried instead of filtering all entities by that type.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, entities that are not on fire will skip checking whether they can stop burning.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, blocks will be scanned first instead of entities when determining which shapes an entity is colliding against. This provides a speed-up as most entities will almost always be colliding with a block before another entity, allowing the expensive entity retrieval to be skipped.

World Generation

Optimizations for world generation and population.


(boolean, default: true)

If false, all following world generation optimizations will disabled.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, an optimized cache will be used for storing noise data used in biome sampling. This can greatly reduce the amount of time spent generating or searching for biomes.


(boolean, default: true)


(boolean, default: true)

If true, an optimized chunk cache will be used for world population features which avoids array indirection and complex logic.


(boolean, default: true)


(boolean, default: true)

If true, biome layer sampling will optimized to avoid sampling adjacent locations or layers unless absolutely necessary.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, a number of optimizations will be applied to world generation layers which sample from multiple biome layers. Primarily, this involves eliminating stream-heavy code. This can greatly speed up world generation in dimensions like the Nether.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, the chunk generator will be optimized to avoid sampling noise levels for interpolation in y-coordinates where the value range produces a constant value. This can greatly speed up world generation in the Overworld through eliminating many unnecessary and expensive samples.


(boolean, default: true)


(boolean, default: true)


(boolean, default: true)

If true, voronoi sampling for biomes will be optimized to avoid object allocations and to use cheaper bit-banging instead of the expensive modulo operations. This can greatly improve the speed at which topical biomes are calculated.



(boolean, default: true)


(boolean, default: true)


(boolean, default: true)

If true, some math utility classes will be patched with various optimizations in order to reduce the general overhead in operations such as switching/rotating axis's or shifting block positions. This does not make any optimizations to trigonometric functions or the like of them!


(boolean, default: true)



(boolean, default: true)


(boolean, default: true)

If true, the global full cube test cache will use a sligthly faster collection type.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, shape contexts will initialize rarely used fields only on first use.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, testing VoxelShape collisions will be sped up by using a faster test for cuboid shapes.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, vertex arrays for some shape types will be cached in order to prevent unnecessary allocations.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, an optimized algorithm will be used for merging and comparing block shapes. This can greatly speed up many common operations in the game.


(boolean, default: true)

If true, specialized implementations will be used for certain classes of shapes (such as full block or empty shapes) in collision detection and resolution. This can greatly reduce the overhead involved in testing entities for collision detection against blocks in the world, as most block interactions will involve simple shapes.



(boolean, default: true)

If true, a specialized implementation which uses linear array scanning will be used for tags with very few elements, speeding up some checks.


(boolean, default: true)

(boolean, default: true)

(boolean, default: true)

If true, the server's chunk manager will have patches applied to it in order to reduce the amount of time it takes to fetch a chunk from the world. This will greatly speed up many operations in the game that need to read or modify blocks in the world, whether the chunk is in the cache or not.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, accessing blocks through a chunk will be optimized to reduce the instruction count. This can provide a modest speed-up when accessing blocks in the world.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, an optimized task submission system will be used for scheduling jobs pertaining to chunks. This can provide a massive speed-up when many light updates or block updates are being scheduled.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, an optimized algorithm for removing obsolete chunk tickets will be used during world ticking.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, scanning for players in nearby chunks during mob spawning ticks will be optimized to remove stream-heavy code.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, explosions (which includes TNT) will be patched to reduce their impact on server tick rates. This patch does a number of things to achieve these gains:

  • The set responsible for de-duplicating the collection of touched block positions (HashSet<BlockPos>) is replaced with a long integer set. Using integer encoding for the block positions provides a massive speedup and prevents us from needing to allocate a block position for every step we make along each ray, eliminating essentially all the memory allocations of this function.
  • While stepping along a cast ray, we check to see whether or not we are still in the same block and re-use the result from the previous step to determine how much resistance will be applied.
  • Chunks are cached locally and the block and fluid lookup steps are combined to reduce data retrieval overhead.

(boolean, default: true)

If true, optimized collection types will be used for mob spawning lists in order to speed up comparison operations that are performed very frequently every tick.

(boolean, default: true)

(boolean, default: true)

If true, the tick scheduler will be replaced with an optimized variant which allows for significantly reduced CPU usage with many scheduled ticks and much faster checking of in-progress ticks. In real world terms, this means that the tick settling which occurs right after generating chunks will take much less time, and redstone ticking will be slightly faster. Additionally, scheduled ticks will be stored in a secondary index which allows chunk saving to quickly grab ticks within a region instead of needing to iterate over all scheduled ticks in the world.

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