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Qdrant Terraform Module

Terraform module to deploy QDrant vector DB on EC2 AWS. For development usage only(for now).

Made by CTOFriendly team. Need help with produt development or growth? Visit our website to learn more!


Make sure you have Terraform installed and configured with AWS credentials.

Create a file with the following content:

module "qdrant" {
  source        = "CTOFriendly/qdrant/aws"
  version       = "0.0.1"
  region        = "ap-south-1"
  instance_type = "t4g.micro"
  key_name      = "qdrant-key"
  disk_size     = 30

Then run the following commands:

terraform init
terraform apply

This creates an EC2 instance with Qdrant installed and running. The instance is accessible via SSH using the generated key pair which is saved in the current directory as qdrant-key.pem.

You can then forward the Qdrant port to your local machine via following command:

ssh -i qdrant-key.pem -L -N 6333:localhost:6333 ubuntu@$(terraform output -raw qdrant_ip) &

And now you can access Qdrant on your local machine at localhost:6333 !


Name Version
aws 4.66.1
local 2.4.0
tls 4.0.4


No modules.


Name Type resource
aws_instance.example resource resource
aws_key_pair.example resource
aws_route.public_internet resource
aws_route_table.public resource
aws_route_table_association.public resource
aws_security_group.example resource
aws_subnet.public resource
aws_vpc.example resource
local_file.private_key resource
tls_private_key.example resource
aws_ami.ubuntu_arm64 data source


Name Description Type Default Required
disk_size Size of the root disk in GB number 30 no
instance_type AWS instance type to use for the Qdrant instance string "t4g.micro" no
key_name Name of the AWS key pair which will be generated to use for the Qdrant instance string "qdrant-key" no
region AWS region in which to deploy the Qdrant instance string "ap-south-1" no


Name Description
private_key n/a
public_key n/a
qdrant_ip n/a