#Multimedia Programming: Audio Visualization
- Chanel Aquino (github.com/ChanelAquino)
- Matt Wall (github.com/CSUMBmWall)
- Samba Diallo (github.com/SambaDialloB)
##OBJECTIVE Our group utilized Python's matplotlib and Bokeh libraries to build a program that takes in an audio/sound files, analyzes its characteristics (e.g., signal wave, with hanning window, magnitude values, and normalized with Fast Fourier Transform), and creates a visually appealing representation of these analyses. The Tkinter module was also implemented to create a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Research Python Libraries
scipy: to read in sound files
numpy: to manipulate/analyze sound data
matplotlib: to execute data visualization processes
Tkinter: to implement GUI
Read in wav file. * Hard-code versus user-defined
Analyze various data from sound file. * Signal Wave * Audio with Hanning Window * Magnintude Values * Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
Visualize the data. * matplotlib * Bokeh
Experiment with different audio files (i.e., hard-coded sound file versus user-defined sound file)
Experiment with different data visualization options (e.g., matplotlib, Bokeh)
Test different user inputs (e.g., choose from different visualization effects)