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Advancing Homepage2Vec with LLM-Generated Datasets for Multilingual Website Classification


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🌐 Advancing Homepage2Vec with LLM-Generated Datasets for Multilingual Website Classification

This project was developed in collaboration with the Data Science Lab (DLab) at EPFL as part of the Machine Learning (CS-433) course. We thank Prof. Robert West for enabling the project and Tiziano Piccardi for his guidance and support throughout the project.

Training Overview

📚 Abstract

Homepage2Vec, a state-of-the-art open-source model for multilingual, multilabel website classification, has proven powerful in accurately classifying website topics. However, it is limited by its initial training data, which on average only contains a single topic for a website. This study explores the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for creating a high-quality finetuning dataset that more accurately reflects the topic diversity of a website. We assess various LLM-based labelers and select the best one through comparison to crowdsourced annotations. We generate two variants of a new 10,000-website dataset, curlie-gpt3.5-10k and curlie-gpt4-10k, for finetuning Homepage2Vec. We show that finetuning Homepage2Vec with these datasets improves its macro F1 from 38% to 42%. Finally, we release both LLM-annotated datasets publicly.

🔗 Shortcuts

Here is a list of things that you likely want to do:

  • Check out the demo of the model.
  • Find all project details in the full report.
  • Inspect the experiments on W&B.
  • Download the LLM-annotated datasets curlie-gpt3.5-10k and curlie-gpt4-10k from Zenodo. If you want to use it for your research, please cite it as follows:
    author       = {Nutter, P. and Senghaas, M. and Cizinsky, L.},
    title        = {Curlie Enhanced with LLM Annotations: Two Datasets for Advancing Homepage2Vec's Multilingual Website Classification},
    year         = 2023,
    version      = {1.0.0},
    publisher    = {Zenodo},
    doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.10413068},
    url          = {}

🔁 Reproducibility

⚙️ Environment Setup

To reproduce the results, you need to have the correct Python version inside the specified virtual environment to use all packages with the correct version.

We use Poetry for package management and versioning. This project was developed for Python 3.10.13 and Poetry 1.7. We recommend installing Python via pyenv and Poetry via pipx.

pyenv install 3.10.13

Then, install Poetry via pipx

pipx install poetry==1.7.0

The project has a .python-version in the root directory, which will automatically activate the correct Python version when you enter the project directory. You can check that the correct Python version is used by running python --version (should be Python 3.10.13) and that poetry --version is 1.7.0.

Next, we install all dependencies via Poetry:

poetry install

You can now run the project by using the virtual environment created by Poetry. You can choose to run individual scripts from the command line by prefixing the command with poetry run, e.g. poetry run python or create a shell that will load the virtual environment via poetry shell. If you run the notebooks, make sure to select the correct kernel (should be venv).

To test if the setup was successful, you can run the unit tests via poetry run pytest tests/ It tests for the correct Python version and that all dependencies are installed.

Last but not the least, since we are using OpenAI's API, create a .env file in the root directory and add your API key as follows:


Make sure that you have at least a few dollars so you do not run into any rate-limiting issues. From our experience, to label one of the provided websites on average costs around $0.0001.

🧪 Run the Experiments

In our project, we define a finetuning experiment as a combination of a dataset and labeler. We precisely define each of these parameters via hydra. The following table shows the available options for the parameters:

Parameter Description Available Options
data Dataset to be labeled and then finetuned on crowdsourced, curlie (uses a random subsplit of 10,000 websites)
labeler Labeler you want to use for the dataset annotation human (only available for crowdsourced dataset), gpt3.5-zeroshot-context1, gpt3.5-oneshot-context1, ..., gpt4-oneshot-context3

Here is an example of how to finetune Homepage2Vec using the labels generated by the labeler gpt3.5-oneshot-context2 on the curlie dataset (subset of 10,000 websites):

poetry run train \
    train_data=curlie \
    train_labeler=gpt3.5-oneshot-context2 \
    test_data=crowdsourced \
    test_labeler=human \

The details of the training, data splits, and more can be customised via the configuration files in the conf folder or dynamically via command line arguments. To print out a full list of the default configurations you can append the suffix --cfg job to the above command.

The command triggers the following steps:

  1. Scrapes the HTML content of the URLs in curlie (uses 10,000 websites) and crowdsourced datasets
  2. Preprocesses the HTML content, and extracts relevant features (e.g. title, description, keywords, etc.)
  3. Embed the extracted features following the pipeline proposed in Homepage2Vec paper
  4. Label the datasets using the given labeler by providing information about the website (e.g. title, description, keywords, etc.) as input context and retrieve the relevant website topics.
  5. Finetune Homepage2Vec on the train dataset while validation and evaluating on splits from the test dataset.

📣 Important: By default the repository only contains the raw URLs for a website corpus. Thus, running this script will first scrape, process and embed all the webpages for the dataset and then subsequently annotate it with the given labeler. For the curlie dataset, this will take a significant amount of time. To test reproducibility, you can download the entire compressed data folder from Google Drive. The folder contains all scraped, processed and embedded websites and the labels from all labelers considered in this study. Uncompress the folder and put it in the correct location and re-run the above command to run a finetuning run.

Finally, we provide convenience bash scripts that exactly reproduce the experiments in the report. In the first phase, we aim to find the best labeler by re-annotating the crowdsourced data with all GPT labelers. Run this script as follows:


The analysis of the results can be found in the notebook eda.ipynb.

Finally, we finetune Homepage2Vec on the curlie-10k dataset with the two best labelers found in the previous step. Run this script as follows:


The analysis of the results can be found in the notebook analysis.ipynb.