Game Link:
If the above link doesn't work, please check the and update dates for the puzzle in the DB table.
Note: For the best experience please render the website on your laptop or computer.
This project is based of the idea of the mandela effect, where the influence of culture or another external force cause a large group of people to remember something incorrectly. Some specific examples of this is if curious george has a tail and whether the cartoon is spelled Looney Toons or Looney Tunes. There will be several types of gameplay implemented, with options including puzzle of the day and continuous play. Each puzzle will consist of the number of options (typically two) with the user having one opportunity to select the single correct option. After an option is selected then the user will be notified if they were correct or incorrect in their selection. This information will be stored for their profile so they can see how they rank against other players, including their friends if they invite them to play.
Java, SQL, Python, HTML, CSS
Option 1:
- Fork the project
- Create your personal branch
- Compile the code and run the executable
Option 2:
- Go to (insert website name here) once the game is published
- Login to your account
This project is open source, meaning any individual that is interested may use or the project indepedently of this repository. If you wish to contribute to this repository you must reach out to one of the individuals associated with the project and request a feature or bug change to implement and they will get back to you quickly as to whether or not they feel it is fitting for the project. If you wish to add code for your personal branch of the code you are more than welcome, but to be added to the project repository you must have prior approval.
This project will be implemented over the next few months, the first code will be submitted by Febraury 21 2022 and the first version of the project will be uploaded by April 15 2022. Additional information about iterations between these two points will be updated soon.
- Obtain permission from (
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
- Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
- Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
- Open a Pull Request
The license for this project is under the LICENSE.txt file.
- Nick Otto (Scrum Master)
- Nikhil Suresh
- Ben Weaver
- Tristan John Wilson