- This application acts as a day planner for the user. The application allows the user to shedule and save daily events.
- JavaScript
- Moment.js
- I created rows seperated into 3 columns: One column for time that consisted of 1 block, one column of text areas that took up 10 blocks and one column for buttons that took up 1 block.
- I grabbed the id attrtribute in the Header and stored it in a variable. I then changed the text content using Moment.js to the current day.
I grabbed all the elements with a class of ".saveBtn" and stored them in an array called "$buttons."
I created a "for loop" that loops through all the newely formed array and added an EventListner to them that would react with a "click" and would call "Save function."
I created a fucntion that would take the user's input into the text areas and save them to local storage.
I created another function that retrieves the saved data from local storage so that the text will persist when the page is refreshed.
I created a "for loop" that would change the background color of the text areas depending if the time associated with that text area was in the past, present, or future.