GradRec is a system that advertises projects for Masters/PhD positions, information on their research projects and the availability of financial aid for the given project. It also specifies the skills and background required for the applicants to work on a given project.
Additionally, prospective students can register and create a profile where they provide their academic information, research interests, work experience, intended start date and the need for financial support.
With both the project definition and the prospective students’ information, the GradRec system will match the suitable candidates, defined by their skills and backgrounds, to the research projects. When a student is matched to a project, he/she will be able to communicate with the project manager. After an evaluation of the prospective student, the project manager can offer admission to the candidate.
Once the student receives the offer, he can accept or decline it on the system. If the user accepts the offer, he will be able to track his performance in the program within the system, this is his grades and the project’s progress.
Checkout and Run:
First, you need to install Mongodb,and Nodejs on your computer.
1 Clone code
git clone
2 Install
npm install
3 Run Mongo server
4 Install Catalogs
mongoimport --db GradRecDB --collection universities --file commands/universities.json
mongoimport --db GradRecDB --collection countries --file commands/countries.json
mongoimport --db GradRecDB --collection programs --file commands/programs.json
5 Run app
$ node app.js
hint: you can use eclipse or WebStorm to boost your developing efficiency.
Student Login :
Click on "Get Started" page which will redirects to login page.
If you dont have credentials you can register as a new user . Fill the new register form and submit the will redirect to dash board.
On dashboard you can create profile by clicking on "create profile option available on sidebar". Note: Please donot try any other buttons which will through error because we havent handled those due to time constarint.
Upon creating profile you will be redirected to dashboard.
You can chek your profile on clicking view profile and matched projects block to check projects which matched to the student.
Messenger is available to the student to chat with professor.
Progress monitoring is to check perspective student progress.
Manager Login :
Click on "Get Started" page which will redirects to login page.
If you dont have credentials you can regisetr as a new user . Fill the new register form and submit the will redirect to dash board. Note : please login with user name starts with 'pm' .example:
On dashboard you can create projects by clicking on "create projects option available on sidebar".
Upon creating project you will be redirected to dashboard.
You can chek your projects on clicking view all projects and matched projects block to check projects which matched to the student.
Messenger is available to the professor to chat with student.
Progress monitoring is to check perspective student progress.
Student Login :
Create profile
View profile
Instant messenger
View and apply for matched projects
View progress
Manager Login :
Create Projects
View all projects created till now
Instant messenger
View and offer matched projects to the students
View students progress
**Things which are yet to be implemented for future versions **
* Student Progress
* View and apply for matched projects
Mahesh Pochamreddy (10) :
- Student Login Frontend :
- Landing page
- Signin page
- Dashboard
- Create profile
- View Profile
- Matched Projects
- Messenger
- Monitor progress
Sai Tarun Dasyam (10):
- Manager Login Frontend :
- Signup
- Dashboard
- Project Creation
- Communication module
- List of all projects page
- Matched Projects page
- Accepted students page
- Monitor progress
Yuhao Liao (10):
- Build the Skeleton of the Project :
- Choose major packages for backend
- Deploy the node server and mongodb server
- Design the workflow of the system
- Implement matching algorithm
- Integrate communication module
- Joint debugging with frontend
- Share technical doc
** Oscar Lozano-Perez (10):**
- Backend focus on the prospectiveStudent Actor:
- Support for Front End integration
- Catalog design and creation
- Data Model creation
- WorkFlow Testing
- Bug Fixes