A solution to Kevin P. McIntyre's Open Stats Lab activity on one-way ANOVA using a data set from Harvie et al. (2015). Written in R.
Kevin P. McIntyre developed this amazing resource for students of psychology. Check out Open Stats Lab for a collection of all activities.
Each activity includes an article from Psychological Science, a data set, and an activity to complete in SPSS. However, if you are an open source fanatic, you could also complete the activity in JASP. For tips on how to use JASP, check out this resource created by Buchanan, Hopke, and Donaldson (2018).
I prefer to get my hands deep into the data. Dr. McIntyre does not yet offer an R activity to accompany the work of Harvie et al. (2015), so here is one possible solution written in R.
I will perform assumption checks for each test prior to running it. We already know that the data meet all assumptions, otherwise the authors would have used a different analytic approach. However, checking the assumptions is helpful because:
- reproducibility and accuracy can be verified; and
- if you are a student, then you should form the habit of testing assumptions.
This analysis will follow the data science workflow advocated by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham. First, we will set-up our session and import the data. Then, we must clean the data. Next, we will transform, model, and visualize the data to understand it. Finally, we will communicate our findings.
Let's load the packages necessary for this analysis into our workspace.
We can import the dataset using a relative path because our working directory is set.
harvie <- read_csv("../data/Harvie et al. 2015.csv")
I like to rename()
all variables to follow this_convention_of_naming
. It eliminates the variability found in datasets using naming norms (i.e., camelCase or Names.With.Periods) appropriate for other software.
The step also requires me to look at the variables carefully.
(harvie <- harvie %>%
participant = Participant,
direction_rotation = DirectionofRotation,
understated_feedback = Understated_Visual_Feedback,
accurate_feedback = Accurate_Visual_Feedback,
overstated_feedback = Overstated_Visual_Feedback
This dataset is not tidy. Each row should contain one observation and each column one variable, intersecting at exactly one value. It is evident that we lack a response variable. What exactly is the outcome in question?
Remember, Harvie et al. (2015) measured the degree of rotation at which participants began to experience pain. In other words, the three feedback variables are measurements of the onset of pain.
Creation of a categorical response variable, feedback_type
, and a continuous explanatory variable, pain_onset
, requires elongating the data frame with key-value pairs.
(harvie_clean <- harvie %>%
gather(key = feedback_type, value = pain_onset,
-c(participant, direction_rotation))
Executing a one-way repeated measures ANOVA in R requires one predictor as a factor of three or more levels.
Remember, we have six conditions in this data set. Direction of rotation (i.e., left or right) and visual feedback type (i.e., understated, accurate, or overstated). Dr. McIntyre reminds us of this fact in the insturctions for this activity.
Currently, these conditions are separated into two variables: direction_rotation
and feedback_type
. Both are factors, so we must define them as such in R.
Note: For our purposes, it does not matter whether 1 is mapped to "left" and 2 to "right", or vice versa, for direction_rotation
. If it helps you reason through the analysis conceptually, then feel free to code this within-subjects factor with labels in your call to factor()
. As long as we understand that these numbers convey direction, the one-way repeated measures ANOVA will execute properly.
Finally, it is important to realize that our participant
variable must be transformed to a factor. Why? Well, our independent variable was applied to each participant. Each subject appears in all groups. Mathematically, we need to remove individual differences between subjects from the within-groups variability (for a more detailed explanation of this topic, go here). This can be accomplished when we treat each subject as a level of a factor.
harvie_clean <- within(harvie_clean, {
direction_rotation <- factor(direction_rotation)
feedback_type <- factor(feedback_type)
participant <- factor(participant)
Data are ready for analysis!
The one-way repeated measures analysis of variance compares the means of three of more groups in which each group, or participant, tests all conditions. Participants are not separated into control versus treatment groups. The present study is a within-subjects design because the investigators test three levels of visual feedback on all participants. Each participant receives every condition.
The null and alternative hypotheses are rendered in the R markdown document.
The one-way repeated measures ANOVA has five assumptions. Two are met via experimental design.
Continuous dependent variable at the ratio or interval level.
Categorical independent variable that is a factor of three or more levels.
The remaining three assumptions are met after data collection.
No significant outliers in any of the measurements of the participants. Outliers skew data and affect normality. One-way ANOVA is valid for distributions skewed in the same direction (e.g., distributions of each level positively skewed.). It is assessed with boxplots.
Approximately normal distribution of the dependent variable for each level of the factor. Since the one-way ANOVA is robust, mild violations of normality can be tolerated if the number of observations is uniform across levels. The assumption is assessed with the Shapiro-Wilk test and density curves, or histograms.
Sphericity, which states that the differences in variances between all pairs of groups (i.e., dependent variable) are equal. This assumption must be met. It is assessed with Mauchley's test.
Summarize the three feedback conditions.
(harvie_desc <- harvie %>%
select(ends_with("feedback")) %>%
Movement-evoked pain occured earlier when participants perceived overstated visual feedback (M = 0.93, SD = 0.12) than when the visual information was understated (M = 1.07, SD = 0.14).
Is this difference between means statistically significant?
R needs to know how we want to separate the residual sum of squares. We do this with the Error(participant/direction_rotation)
argument passed to the aov()
function. This argument determines the statistical test performed. We separate the error terms to remove individual differences between subjects, and the interaction of participants versus direction of rotation, from the within-groups variability.
Essentially, the /
in Error(participant/direction_rotation)
tells R that the direction of rotation is nested within individual participants. Each participant was asked to look left, then right, for all three types of visual feedback.
# Create the analysis of variance object
harvie_aov <- aov(pain_onset ~ feedback_type + Error(participant/direction_rotation),
data = harvie_clean)
# Summarize the aov object
We can calculate the effect size of a one-way repeated measures ANOVA, partial eta-squared, with this equation:
We could obtain the values for the partial eta-squared equation by printing summary(harvie_aov)
to the console and manually entering the sum of squares.
Instead, in the spirit of avoiding mistakes, let's extract the relevant information from the aov
object as a data frame.
(harvie_aov_tidy <- tidy(harvie_aov))
Then, we collect the sum of squares and plug them into the equation.
# Collect sum of squares
# Calculate partial eta-squared
(harvie_eta <- harvie_aov_tidy$sumsq[3] / (harvie_aov_tidy$sumsq[3] + harvie_aov_tidy$sumsq[4]))
The one-way repeated-measure ANOVA indicated that visual feedback conveying information about one's range of motion had a significant impact on the onset of pain, F(2, 94) = 18.9, p < .001. (Note: effect size excluded in README.md)
ggplot(harvie_clean, aes(x = feedback_type, y = pain_onset)) +
There are no outliers.
Since p > 0.05, we accept the null hypothesis of the Shapiro-Wilk test: the distribution of pain for understated visual feedback is normal.
Since p > 0.05, we accept the null hypothesis of the Shapiro-Wilk test: the distribution of pain for overstated visual feedback is normal.
Sphericity is difficult to test. Here is one option that uses a linear model. We will use car::Anova
to created a new one-way repeated-measure ANOVA.
harvie_matrix <- as.matrix(harvie)
harvie_matrix <- harvie_matrix[, -c(1, 2)]
model <- lm(harvie_matrix ~ 1)
design <- factor(c("understated_feedback", "accurate_feedback", "overstated_feedback"))
options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"))
results <- Anova(model, idata = data.frame(design), idesign = ~design, type="III")
summary(results, multivariate = FALSE)
Here, the p < 0.05, so we accept the alternative hypothesis: the differences in variances are not equal. The assumption of sphericity is not met. Isn't that a problem?
According to Dr. Erin M. Buchanan, certain types of research questions do not need to meet the assumption of sphericiy. Perhaps that is the case here.
If anyone knows a better way to calculate this assumption in R, please let me know. I checked the sphericity assumption in JASP as well--no luck.
Note: If you repeat the above sphericity calculation after splitting the data according to direction_rotation
, thereby creating two matrices each with 24 rows, Mauchly's test will be significant for one but not the other. That is, the assumption of sphericity is met for half of the conditions. This leads me to believe that testing for sphericity properly in R may depend on how our factors are nested.
Now we must conduct pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni corrections.
We accomplish this by constructing yet another repeated measures model. It might be evident that each model has its pros and cons. The first enabled us to partition the sum of squares correctly. The second was useful for testing the sphericity assumption.
This third method employs the nlme::lme
and multcomp::glht
functions to perform post-hoc tests.
Constructing the lme model matches the syntax for the aov
object we created earlier with one notable exception. Instead of a call to Error()
, it is necessary to specify the random
Make sure your call to glht
specifies the main predictor as the linfct
# Construct repeated measures ANOVA
lme_harvie <- lme(pain_onset ~ feedback_type,
random = ~1|participant/direction_rotation, data = harvie_clean)
# Perform pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni correction
summary(glht(lme_harvie, linfct=mcp(feedback_type = "Tukey")),
test = adjusted(type = "bonferroni"))
Pairwise comparisons revealed significant relationships between all conditions (ps < .01).
Time to create a plot depicting the mean range of motion at onset of pain by visual feedback condition.
First, let's create a APA-style theme.
apa_theme <- theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
text = element_text(size = 12))
Next, we prepare the data frame. We can use the object created earlier for descriptive statistics. It is necessary to transform the rownames into a factor variable. Specification of the levels
argument will order the visual feedback from greatest to least.
harvie_desc <- harvie_desc %>%
mutate(feedback_type = row.names(harvie_desc)) %>%
feedback_type <- factor(feedback_type,levels = c("understated_feedback",
"accurate_feedback", "overstated_feedback"))
Execute an APA-style figure.
ggplot(harvie_desc, aes(x = feedback_type, y = mean)) +
geom_point(shape = 1, size = 4) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean-se, ymax = mean+se), width = 0.2) +
expand_limits(y = c(0.9, 1.10)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 5)) +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Understated Visual Feedback",
"Accurate Visual Feedback", "Overstated Visual Feedback")) +
labs(y = "Mean Range of Motion to Pain Onset", x = "Condition") +
Figure 1. Mean range of motion at the onset of pain across the three types of visual feedback.
The one-way repeated-measure ANOVA indicated that visual feedback conveying information about one's range of motion had a significant impact on the onset of pain, F(2, 94) = 18.9, p < .001. (Note: effect size excluded in README.md) Pairwise comparisons revealed significant relationships between all conditions (ps < .01).
I am thankful for my advisor, Dr. Brandt A. Smith for introducing me to R, JASP, and OSL. The discipline of psychology is advocating for preregistered, open materials. His encouragement to utilize open data and open source software has positioned me in the middle of the reproducible movement.
I would still be clicking checkboxes and dropdowns to analyze data if it were not for DataCamp, Rose Maier, Alboukadel Kassambara, Jonathan Baron, and the team behind personality-project.