This microservice is part of the Merritt Preservation System.
This microservice provides an API for other Merritt microservices to interact with Merritt's cloud storage providers.
This microservice supports the ingest of new objects into the Merritt Preservation System and the retrieval of content from the Merritt Preservation System.
%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral', 'securityLevel': 'loose', 'themeVariables': {'fontFamily': 'arial'}}}%%
graph TD
click ING href "" "source code"
click ST href "" "source code"
click INV href "" "source code"
ZOOINV>Zookeeper Inventory]
click ZOOINV href "" "source code"
subgraph flowchart
subgraph cloud_storage
CLOUD(("Cloud Storage - Primary Node"))
click CLOUD href "" "source code"
ING --> |deposit| ST
INV --> |retrieve manifest| ST
ST -.-> |manifest file| INV
ST --> |deposit to primary node| CLOUD
CLOUD --> |retrieve manifest| ST
style CLOUD fill:#77913C
style ST stroke:red,stroke-width:4px
style ZOOINV fill:cyan
%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral', 'securityLevel': 'loose', 'themeVariables': {'fontFamily': 'arial'}}}%%
graph TD
UI("Merritt UI")
click UI href "" "source code"
ST(Storage - Access)
click ST href "" "source code"
subgraph flowchart
subgraph cloud_storage
CLOUD(("Cloud Storage - Primary Node"))
click CLOUD href "" "source code"
BROWSER --> |retrieval req| UI
UI -.-> |presigned redirect| BROWSER
UI --> |retrieval req| ST
ST --> |retrieval req| CLOUD
CLOUD -.-> |presigned URL| ST
ST -.-> |presigned URL| UI
CLOUD -.-> |presigned retrieval| BROWSER
style CLOUD fill:#77913C
style ST stroke:red,stroke-width:4px
%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral', 'securityLevel': 'loose', 'themeVariables': {'fontFamily': 'arial'}}}%%
graph TD
UI("Merritt UI")
click UI href "" "source code"
subgraph flowchart
subgraph Storage_Access
RO(Request Object)
AO(Assemble Object)
ZOOACC>Zookeeper Access Assembly]
click ZOOACC href "" "source code"
ASSDAEMON[[Object Assembly Daemon]]
CT(Check Token)
RP(Return Presigned)
subgraph cloud_storage
CLOUD(("Cloud Storage - Primary Node"))
click CLOUD href "" "source code"
ASSM[[Object Assembly]]
CLEAN[S3 Retention Policy]
CLEAN --> |automatic deletion| ASSM
BROWSER --> |retrieval req| UI
UI -.-> |presigned redirect| BROWSER
UI --> |retrieval req| RO
UI --> |check assembly| CT
RO --> AO
RO -.-> |assembly token| UI
CLOUD --> |retrieve file| AO
AO --> |queue assembly| ZOOACC
ASSDAEMON --> |object assembly| ASSM
CT -.-> |status check| AO
ASSM --> |presigned URL| RP
RP -.-> |presigned URL| UI
ASSM -.-> |presigned retrieval| BROWSER
CT --> RP
style CLOUD fill:#77913C
style Storage_Access stroke:red,stroke-width:4px
style CLEAN fill:cyan
style ZOOACC fill:cyan
This code depends on the following Merritt Libraries.
This code is not intended to be run apart from the Merritt Preservation System.
See Merritt Docker for a description of how to build a test instnce of Merritt.
This code is deployed as a war file. The war file is built on a Jenkins server.