Regulations 2024-05-27
This is the initial release of the CAuDri-Challenge 2024 regulations.
Major changes compared to last year:
- Underage students may now participate
- Complete rework of the Obstacle Evasion scoring system
- Covered distance will have no influence on the scoring
- Predetermined amount of base points
- Fixed amount of laps with an increased time limit
- No more multipliers, only additive rewards/penalties
- Positive, neutral or negative scoring for each encountered element
- Reintroduction of the "parc-fermé"
Minor changes:
- CAuDri-Challenge is now hosted by the CAuDri association
- New meaning of colored text in the regulations (see disclaimer on front page)
- Each team may set up their own private WiFi network
- Lane markings can be missing for a max of 1000mm
- The track can now again cross at an angle of 70°-90°
- The commision may choose the time for a second attempt
- Parking penalties may apply until the vehicle is back on the road
- Stopping at a crosswalk w/o a pedestrian present won't receive any points