Differences in Working Memory Capacity Affect Online Spoken Word Recognition: Evidence from Eye-Movements
Mixed modelling analysis for Differences in Working Memory Capacity Affect Online Spoken Word Recognition: Evidence from Eye-Movements (in review). See ./notebook.Rmd for step-by-step procedures.
- R (3.4.3+)
- Rstudio (1.1.423+)
- Optional; other software for building the R-markdown notebook may be used
For our analysis these software were obtained with Anaconda Navigator (1.8.7) to increase reproducibility. More information and downloads can br found on the Anaconda website
R library packages were acquired from the CRAN website https://cran.r-project.org/.
Package | Version | Used in |
VWPre |
1.1.0 | data preparation |
dplyr |
0.7.6 | data preparation |
forcats |
0.2.0 | data preparation |
knitr |
1.18 | data preparation |
magrittr |
1.5 | data preparation |
purrr |
0.2.4 | data preparation |
readr |
1.1.1 | data preparation |
stringr |
1.2.0 | data preparation |
tibble |
1.4.2 | data preparation |
tidyr |
0.7.2 | data preparation |
tidyverse |
1.2.1 | data preparation |
zeallot |
0.1.0 | data preparation |
lme4 |
1.1-15 | modelling |
Hmisc |
4.1-1 | modelling |
nloptr |
1.0.4 | modelling |
For questions or comments regarding the paper, including requests for access to the data under analysis, please address all correspondence to the corresponding author:
Boaz M. Ben-David, PhD Communication, Aging and Neuropsychology Lab (CANlab), Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 4610101, Israel
e-mail: | boaz.ben.david@idc.ac.il |
Phone: | +972-9-9602429 |
Fax: | +972-9-9602845 |
For questions or comments regarding the analysis tools software presented in this repository, including requests for support or offers of contribution, please address electronic correspondence only to the software's author:
Joshua Estrin Skrzypek
e-mail: | jskrzypek@gmail.com |
GitHub: | @jskrzypek |
All of the software and files used in the analysis that are presented in this repository were prepared by their author, Joshua Estrin Skrzypek (@jskrzypek). The work of the analysis itself was performed in collaboration with the authors of the paper.