Welcome to the Busuu frontend challenge! We are excited to see your coding skills in action within the Star Wars universe.
We recommend spending around 1.5 hours on the whole task. We are not going to time you, but this is the general guideline we are giving regarding the completion.
At a glance, we are looking to gauge your knowledge across a similar stack which we use at Busuu from NodeJS through to React. But you can use React or Next.js as a base for building the views - feel free to add extra libraries as well.
If you do not have time to finish it, please edit this README
with a technical walkthrough of what you wanted to achieve. If any of the tasks are unclear you can reach out to us and we will clarify as soon as possible!
Please clone this repository, and name as you like. When you are done, send the link to the Busuu representative you have been in touch with - remembering to make it public or share with the relevant users so as to allow our team to review it.
Feel free to consume Star Wars data from either:
- REST: https://swapi.dev/documentation
- GraphQL: https://studio.apollographql.com/public/star-wars-swapi/home?variant=current
From this data, we want you to create a user experience that'll allow someone to interact with it. Details upcoming below.
Wireframes are only a rough reference. You are free to create a UI that suits the data and be as imaginative as you want!
- URL:
- Preview containers should:
- Show, at least: a main name, a date, some description - any layout you wish!
- Have the same height and width, where maximum height = 500px
- Allow up to 3 columns
- Allow vertical scroll if all exercises don’t fit in the screen
- ‘Search’ button on the top bar takes you to
- URL:
- Top navigation should change to include filters:
- Include at least 2 types of filters - can be text based, radio, dropdown, etc.
- Empty state should show a message to the user
- ‘Media’ button on the top bar takes you to
- Use React or Next.js as a base for building the views - feel free to add extra libraries
- Styling can be done with stylesheets, styled components, etc.
- Views should be usable and fluid from large (>1440px) to small (<500px) viewports
- Bonus points:
- Using TypeScript
- Error and loading states
- Sticky top navigation bar
- Architecture of React components
- Reusability of styles
- Fluidity of layout
- Readability