This is ParcoachRMA. The parcoachRMA pass instruments STORE/LOAD writing/reading memory that is involved in a MPI RMA function. Some MPI RMA functions are also renamed.
Spack and EasyBuild are provided with this repository. They can be used to install parcoachRMA in user space.
The recipes will build an LLVM fork that supports flang (previously known as F18) and compile BullOpenMPI using that compiler. The resulting ParcoachRMA can then be used to analyze Fortran programs.
cd path_to_parcoachRMA
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If CMake does not find LLVM, you can supply the path to your LLVM installation as follows :
cmake .. -DLLVM_DIR=path_to_llvm_install/lib/cmake/llvm/
You can run 'ctest --verbose' to see the commands executing the tests NOTE: ctest is not finished yet
cd path_to_parcoachRMA
clang -Xclang -load -Xclang build/src/parcoachRMA.* -c something.c
./build/parcoach something.c
cd path_to_parcoachRMA
clang -c -emit-llvm something.c
opt -load build/src/parcoachRMA.dylib -parcoach something.bc
./build/parcoachBC something.bc
cd path_to_parcoachRMA
./parcoachBC something.bc > somethingINSTR.bc
llvm-dis somethingINSTR.bc
And open the generated file somethingINSTR.ll
cd path_to_parcoachRMA
clang -c -emit-llvm something.c
opt -load build/src/ -parcoach something.bc -o somethingINSTR.bc
clang -c somethingINSTR.bc
OMPI_CC=clang mpicc somethingINSTR.o -L./lib/ -lrma_analyzer
mpirun -np 4 --oversubscribe ./a.out