This Minecraft plugin allows the creation of custom commands linked to specified potion effects, with a cooldown and permission system. Compatible with version 1.8 to the Latest Minecrat version. Link to download
- Create custom commands and link them to specified potion effects
- Admin command to give and remove effect
- Define effects who will give to the player's upon their first join on the server
- Define the Potion Effect that will persist after the player's death
- Define a permission for the use of the custon commands you have created
- Set cooldown between each use to the custom commands
- Set the duration of the effects applied
- Fully configurable
Define the effects that will persist after the player's death
stay_after_death: [NIGHT_VISION]
Define the effects that will be given to the player upon their first join
give_by_default: [nightvision_example, example1]
Define your own effects here without any limit
example1: <--- The name of your effect, have to be unique
commands: [/mysuper command] <--- List of the commands who active your effect
effects: [REGENERATION 1, INCREASE_DAMAGE 2] <--- List of the Potion effects and their amplifier
duration: 60 <--- (Optional) Duration of the Potion effects (0 for infinite)
cooldown: 300 <--- (Optional) Cooldown between each use of your effect
perm: my.custom.permission <--- (Optional) Permission to allow the use of your effect
commands: [/nv, /nightvision, /night vision]
effects: [NIGHT_VISION 1]
Define all the messages and actionbar text. If you don't want a specifique message you can define nothing beetwen the two "" quotation
effect_activate: "&aThe effect %effect% has been activated"
effect_disable: "&cThe effect %effect% has been disable"
effect_give: "&aYou have give the effect %effect% to the target player"
effect_remove: "&aYou have remove the effect %effect% to the target player"
effect_on_cooldown: "&cYou have to wait %time% before using again this effect"
error_player_exist: "&cThe target player are not online or don't exist"
error_effect_exist: "&cThis effect don't exist"
error_config_effect_exist: "&cERROR: the potion effect &e%potion% &cdon't exist"
error_effect_permission: "&cYou don't have the permssion to use the effect %effect%"
error_unknown_command: "&cThis command don't exist"
config_reload: "&aConfiguration reloaded"
no_permission: "&cYou don't have the permission to do that"
Command | Description | Permission |
bulpotioneffect give | Give the effect to the player | bulpotioneffect.admin |
bulpotioneffect remove | Remove the effect to the player | bulpotioneffect.admin |
bulpotioneffect reload | Reload the configuration file | bulpotioneffect.admin |
Bypass the cooldown for every effect | bulpotioneffect.bypass.cooldown |
This is a public plugin. You are free to use it and create a fork to develop your own version. However you are not allowed to sell or distribute it in a private manner.