An API to collect and process people's opinions about news they see on the internet and determine their authenticity. People create a reputation based on their opinions and this reputation affects on the algorithm that determines the news veracity.
This project is to integrate with an open source blockchain
Two projects are currently being implemented to consume this api:
$ git clone
Download or install from your prefered package manager
$ npm install got
$ npm install --save form-data
$ npm install express
$ npm install body-parser
$ node fakeapi.js
The project is currently being run at http://localhost:3000/ with the following endpoints
/createBlock - POST
A POST method at to enable the creation of a block in the chain.
Call this method before adding any transaction to establish an identification. A block is created using a public key - RSA 1024
arg: Dictionary
userPublicKey: base 64 str (The public key - RSA 1024)
arg: Dictionary
aesKey: str (The 32 bytes AES server communication key encrypted using raw RSA with the given public key)
500 Error - For Invalid key format
/vote - POST
A POST method at to enable the creation of a vote
Before adding a vote, it is necessary to create a block in the chain (by making a POST request at /createBlock) as a vote is represented as a transaction inside a block.
arg: Dictionary
userPublicKey: str (The public key(RSA 1024)) encryptedVote: str (A dictionary encrypted(AES CBC Padding PKCS7) with the 32 bytes AES server communication key(received after creation of block)) vote: base64Encoded str loadable as json dictionary) userPublicKey: str vote: Boolean newsURL: base64Encoded str signature: base64Encoded str (The vote dictionary signed with the private key(RSA 1024))
- 200 - Success
- 500 - Error with statusMessage indicating error
- 11 - No block found for given public key
- 12 - No communication key (AES) found for given public key
- 13 - Invalid signature
/news/:newsURL - GET
A GET method to enable verifying the veracity of news
ars: base64Encoded str (the news URL)
The veracity of news (Content in development)
- Create endpoint to accept a vote to news
- Create endpoint to verify the veracity of news
- Algorith to verify user's reputation to determine veracity of news
- Integrate with open source blockchain This will require modifications on blockchain project
- Determine user's signing keys approach
- Determine users' reputation approach based on existent reputation researches
- Determine news veracity approach based on existent news veracity reseaches