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RCTab Documentations

This project documents RCTab, an open source application for tabulating ranked choice voting elections.


This project uses Material for MkDocs to manage and build RCTab's documentation.

Before you can run and use MkDoc's features in this project, you need to have the following software installed:

  • Python (version 3.11 or higher)
  • Poetry (version 1.8 or higher)
  • vim and vimdiff (required to run an optional script)

Installing Python

You can download and install Python from the official Python website.

Installing Poetry

To install Poetry, you can follow the instructions from the official Poetry documentation.

Setting Up the Project

Cloning the Repo

To clone the repo:

git clone

Installing Dependencies and Git Hooks

First, navigate to the directory where the repository has been cloned (e.g. cd ./rctab-docs).

Then, run these commands:

poetry install # installs the dependencies
cp .githooks/* .git/hooks/ # installs the git hooks

Using MkDocs in the Virtual Environment

Poetry automatically creates a virtual environment for your project.

To preview and serve MkDocs locally:

poetry run mkdocs serve

To build MkDocs as a static site:

poetry run mkdocs build

Useful scripts:

Compare specific ranges of lines between two files using vimdiff



Some useful vimdiff commands to use in ./scripts/

Action vimdiff command
Switch between files being compared ctrl+w+w while in vim's INSERT mode
Wrap lines in a window pane setlocal wrap linebreak while in vim's COMMAND mode
Copy a the selected window pane's file to the MacOS clipboard w !pbcopy while in vim's COMMNAND mode

Copy specific ranges of lines from one file into another file



Recommend testing this out on some small test files to understand how it works before running it on larger files. Alternatively, you can use a version management tool like git.