Yep, another one.
This is just a hobby project I did for educational purposes. It can play mapper {0,1,2,3,4,7} games and most games I've tested so far seem to work.
cargo build --release
NOTE: The emulator depends on SDL2.
Usage: nes [options] <filename>
Positional Arguments:
filename nes ROM to load
-d, --debug open debugger
--help display usage information
DPad/Left analog stick = NES DPad
XBox A / PS Cross = NES A
XBox B / PS Circle = NES B
Start = NES Start
Select = NES Select
F = Advance one frame
M = Mute emulator
P = Pause emulation
R = Reset NES
1-9 = Select save state slot n
F5 = Save save state to selected slot
F7 = Load save state from selected slot
Up to 9 save states are supported, which are saved to a file with the same name as the rom but with extension .stat.
For cartridges that have battery-backed RAM, the data will be saved to a file with extension .sav
NOTE: The emulator requires a controller to play.
Games that have been partially tested:
- Arkanoid
- Battletoads
- Bomberman
- Castlevania
- Contra
- Donkey Kong
- Double Dribble
- Earthbound
- Final Fantasy I & III
- Galaga
- Ice Climber
- Kirby's Adventure
- Kung Fu
- Mega Man I, II, III, IV, V
- Metal Gear
- Metroid
- Ninja Gaiden I, II & III
- Pac-Man
- Q-bert
- Rad Racer
- Silver Surfer
- Snake's Revenge
- Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- Super Mario Bros. 3
- Tetris
- Time Lord
- Wario's Woods
- Zelda I & II
I don't recommend actually using the emulator. Besides not being fully accurate, the number of playable games is not great due to not many mappers being implemented and the user interface leaves much to be desired.
Special thanks to the EmuDev discord server and all the wonderful people there that have helped me while writing this emulator. I wouldn't have been able to do it on my own.