Developer guide for the Bricknode SOAP API.
The best and simplest way how to play with the API is to clone this repository and open it in Visual Studio Code. This allows you to use recommended extension "Rest Client" for sending example requests to the API.
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Clone this repository and open it in VS Code
- Install the recommended extension
Rest Client
- Setup access credentials in
and pick the target environment byF1
->Rest Client: Switch Environment
- Run any API request by pressing
Send Request
button directly in any*.http
Here is a how-to article about the usage of the SDK.
Full API documentation here.
- Users (Legal entities)
- Accounts
- Positions
- Instruments (Assets)
- Markets (Venues)
- Orders
- Reservations
- Transactions
- TransferReceivers
Full examples of how to integrate with the BFS system.
- Manual order: create, execute and settle manual order; create a custom transaction for the order
- Instruments and Markets: create venue (market) and instrument; update the price of the instrument