The MindStormsTool is a small toolkit for software engineers to assist the upload of Java programs to LEGO Mindstorms RCX-bricks. It provides functionality of the leJOS-library in the development environment for this purpose.
The MindStorms Tools were released under an open source license, however, source files have not been located.
With the aid of the leJOS-library you are able to write Java-programs for the MindStorms RCX brick. But the library isn't integrated in the most editors or development environment, so that you have to use external tools or the command line for comiling and uploading. The MindstormsTools correcting this lack by making the leJOS funktionality available in the development environment.
- Together MindstormsTool (TMT): modul for the Together ControlCenter 4.0 or higher
- BlueJ MindstormsTool (BJMT): extension for the BlueJ integrated environment 1.3 or higher
- Java MindstormsTool (JMT): the MindstormsTool with an own source code editor
- Small MindstormsTool (SMT): the stand alone version of the tool
- Java: J2SE 1.3 SDK Java 1.3 (with JMT 1.4) or higher
- leJOS 2.0 or higher
The current and the older versions are provided in the corresponding directories beneath.
The MindstormsTools are distributed under MuSofT Open Source licence (Non-Commercial Use in Schools and Universities).
- Jörg Schmalzbauer - schmalzb[at]
- Olaf Scheel - olasch[at]