Halo saya Brian, Jenjang Sekolah saya saat ini SMK, dan Posisi sya saat ini menjadi Seorang Freelance Web Developer, Saya sudah belajar coding ini sejak tahun 2022, saat kelas 8 SMP Masih berlanjut hingga saat ini, Mungkin Kalian Bisa liat Project saya...
As a Web Developer, I have gained solid experience and extensive expertise in both fields. Since 8th grade in junior high school, I have been building my career as a Web Developer, continuously honing my skills through self-learning. In the realm of Front End Web Development, I have mastered HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and native PHP. Additionally, I have proficiency in utilizing frameworks such as Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, React CRA/VITE, and Next.js with TypeScript app/pages router. I have also accumulated experience in projects involving server-side rendering and client-side rendering. Furthermore, I possess skills in managing databases, both SQL and NoSQL, including MySQL, Supabase, and Firebase.
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