A database of Scerevisiae calling cards data. Check out the project's documentation.
Start the dev server for local development:
docker-compose up
Run a command inside the docker container:
docker-compose run --rm web [command]
I removed the nose
test runner entirely. I did this by adding django-pytest,
changing the local config to this:
# Testing
INSTALLED_APPS += ('pytest_django',)
TEST_RUNNER = 'callingcards.PytestTestRunner.PytestTestRunner'
# settings for pytest
# create a pytest.ini file in your project root directory and add the following content
# [pytest]
# addopts = --cov=callingcards --cov-report=html
and adding the script per these instructions
note the pytest.ini in this package of course.
I then rmeoved all the nose imports from the test scripts and replaced them with assert statements for pytest and removed nose from the dependencies
django-extensions added
add to config/common INSTALLED_APPS
which makes this work easily:
poetry run python manage.py shell_plus --ipython
and can get a jupyter interface working, too