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Simple web application for book library service

This application allows providing usual actions with a book library, such as:

  • view paginated all books (highlighted whether are borrowed or available)
  • view paginated only available books
  • view paginated only borrowed books
  • add a new book into the library
  • update book data
  • remove book from library
  • borrow and return book

Application listens on port 8080.
It offers web UI and REST API interface as well.


The following application settings are configurable over application.yml file:

  • book.repository.path - input file destination
  • - page size for paginated outputs
  • auth.users - list of users defined by its usernames

Every username definition requires setting password and role. Only users with admin role are allowed to make changes in repository. Users with different roles are allowed only to watch/fetch listed data.

By default, are available following users:

  • username=duke (password=stratospheric, role=admin)
  • username=mike (password=MikePass, role=user)

Web UI usage

To start the application open terminal, change a path to project root folder and run ./gradlew :app:bootTestRun.
After the application starts, click on http://localhost:8080/
To log in use link Sign in on top of the page.

After successful login, web UI offers the following types of view:

  1. All books. Borrowed are highlighted red, available green. This view allows book data updating or book removal from the library.
    Book data updating doesn't allow borrow or rent book.
  2. Available books. This view allows a book borrowing.
  3. Borrowed books. This view allows a book returning.

For the user with admin rights, the main page offers also:

  • adding a new book into the library.
  • viewing and updating existing readers.
  • adding a new reader into the registry.

REST API usage

For sending requests and receiving responses use Postman, curl or web browser.

All endpoints are secured with basic authentication (see Configuration)

API description

Following endpoints are available for usage:

  • GET /api/v1/book/all?page={pageNumber} - returns required page from a list of all books or empty list when no book was found.
  • GET /api/v1/book/available?page={pageNumber} - returns required page from a list of available books or empty list when no book was found.
  • GET /api/v1/book/borrowed?page={pageNumber} - returns required page from a list of borrowed books or empty list when no book was found.
  • POST /api/v1/book/add - adds a new book into the library.

Input is validated. Book author can't be empty. Book name can't be empty or longer than 15 signs.

Request body example for a new book adding:

   "name": "My memories",
   "author": "John Doe"
  • PUT /api/v1/book/update - updates book data. Operation is refused when a book with given ID doesn't exist.

Input is validated. Book author can't be empty. Book name can't be empty or longer than 15 signs.

Request body example for existing book updating:

   "id": "1",
   "name": "My memories",
   "author": "John Doe"
  • DELETE /api/v1/book/delete?bookId={id} - deletes book with given ID. Operation is refused when a book with given ID doesn't exist or when book is still borrowed.
  • PUT /api/v1/book/avail?bookId={id} - makes an available book with given ID. Operation is refused when a book with given ID doesn't exist.
  • PUT /api/v1/book/borrow - borrows the book. Operation is refused when a book with given ID doesn't exist.

Input is validated. The Date of borrow can't be later than today.

Request body example for book borrowing:

   "bookId": "1",
   "readerId": "1",
   "from": "2023-01-05"
  • GET /api/v1/reader/all?page={pageNumber} - returns required page from a list of all readers or empty list when no reader was found.
  • POST /api/v1/reader/add - adds a new reader into the registry.

Input is validated. Reader's first name and last name can't be empty.

Request body example for a new reader adding:

   "firstName": "John",
   "lastName": "Doe",
   "email": ""
  • PUT /api/v1/reader/update - updates reader's data. Operation is refused when a reader with given ID doesn't exist.

Input is validated. Reader's first name and last name can't be empty.

Request body example for existing reader updating:

   "id": "1",
   "firstName": "John",
   "lastName": "Doe",
   "email": ""
  • DELETE /api/v1/reader/delete?readerId={id} - deletes reader with given ID. Operation is refused when a reader with given ID doesn't exist or when reader has still borrowed any book.


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