The gifendore bot works by replying to a mention with the last frame of a video or gif. Here is an example of what it can do.
Summon u/gifendore by mentioning its name on a link submission.
You can use r/gifendore to test gifendore if you like.
Add any of these commands to the end of the mention (e.g. u/gifendore freeze)
- help: see a help message.
- x: replace x with any number to go back x seconds in the gif.
- x-y: replace x and y with any numbers to get a smaller section of the gif.
- reverse: get the gif in reverse.
- slowmo: get the gif in slow motion.
- freeze: freeze the end of a gif.
- Press edit to edit its original message (Can only be done by the OP).
- Press delete to remove the bot's message (Can only be done by the OP).
- If you add the bot as a mod to your subreddit, it will automatically comment and sticky itself on every post.
- Please let me know if you would like to use the bot on your subreddit.
- The bot will automatically delete its comment if it is either downvoted too much or the post is removed.
- Currently supported sites
- reddit direct uploads
- imgur
- gfycat
- streamable
- any direct link to a .gif or .mp4
- NEW The bot can grab a high resolution thumbnail of youtube videos
- The bot doesn't work in anti-bot subs. If you summon the bot and it doesn't reply, it will crosspost to r/gifendore and attempt to pm you. Otherwise, simply crosspost to r/gifendore and it will automatically reply.
Q: Where is the bot hosted?
A: It is hosted on Heroku with code on Github.
Q: How do I get X seconds from the end of a gif?
A: Just add X to the end of the mention (e.g. u/gifendore X)
Q: Can the bot be used on my subreddit for every post?
A: Yes! Just add the bot as a moderator and contact me.
If you run into any issues with the bot, please let me know here by sending a link to the post that causes the error.
If you find any subs where the bot doesn't reply back (because it's more than likely banned) please let me know.
u/gifendore_testing only works for mods so there's no point in trying.
If you've made it this far and haven't guessed the reason for the name...