A collection of helpful scripts to be used with tracking pixels.
Provides out of the box functionality for
- Getting the current product's information safely.
- Getting the last order's information safely.
- Getting the current category's name.
- Getting the name of a category associated with a product.
- Busting out of Magento EE's full page cache.
> tree app/code/community/BranchLabs/Tracking/
├── code
│ └── community
│ └── BranchLabs
│ └── Tracking
│ ├── Block
│ │ ├── Cachebuster.php
│ │ └── Default.php -- Where most of the functionality is stored
│ ├── etc
│ │ ├── cache.xml
│ │ └── config.xml
│ ├── Helper
│ │ └── Data.php
│ └── Model
│ └── Placeholder.php
└── etc
└── modules
└── BranchLabs_Tracking.xml