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A simple JavaScript library to add optional functionality directly to console.log, avoiding the need to refactor existing code.

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Logger plus

A simple JavaScript library to add optional functionality directly to console.log, avoiding the need to refactor existing code.


  • Automatic date/time tagging of log messages, with custom date/time format.
  • Ability to add tags to messages coming from particular functions (including child calls).
  • Extensible with custom transformations run on messages and objects before they are logged.
  • Makes changes directly to console.log, so no refactoring required for existing code.
  • Supports variations of console.log - namely error and warn for now.
  • Works with multiple arguments to the log functions (used in the same way as vanilla console.log - see here)
  • Automatically retrieve meta information (such as line-number, calling function, etc.) with micro-templates.
  • Built for both Node.js and vanilla JavaScript.


npm install loggerplus --save


Note: Whilst the features are automatically applied through console.log, you'll still need to use some other functions and variables to activate and configure said features.



var loggerplus = require("loggerplus");

Vanilla JavaScript

None - Just use window.loggerplus!


Loggerplus stores its settings in loggerplus.settings.
[Type] (default value) key: Description

  • [String] ([YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm:SS.sss]) dateTimeFormat: Sets the format of the date/time output (see date/time tagging).
  • [Boolean] (false) useDateTime: Turns on or off date/time tagging.
  • [Boolean] (false) useTags: Turns on or off custom tagging.
  • [Boolean] (false) useTextTransformations: Turns on or off custom transformations for text components of the log.
  • [Boolean] (false) useObjectTransformations: Turns on or off custom transformations for object components of the log.
  • [Boolean] (true) transformTags: Apply text transformations to tags as well as logged text.
  • [Boolean] (false) disableLogging: Disables console logging (for production code).
  • [Boolean] (false) useMicroTemplates: Use tinytim and stacktrace-js to provide dynamic logging content.

Logging messages

console.log("Hello World!");

That's it! One of the awesome things about loggerplus is that you can add it to existing code and simply configure it; no refactoring required.

What if I want to use the native console.log somewhere in my code?
Easy! Simply use console.native_log(message);

Note: Loggerplus also works with the following console.log variants (as well as defining their console.native_ equivalents)

  • console.warn
  • console.error

Configuring features

Simply use the loggerplus.settings object to turn features on and off.
Features are off by default.

Feature types
  • Global - Appears in every logged message.
  • Local - Appears only in logs within the scope of the function to which it is applied.
  • Persistent - Appears in logs within the scope of the function to which it is applied, as well as any any child (and child-child, child-child-child, etc.) function calls contained within it.

Automatic date/time tagging

Must be activated with useDateTime

Set date/time format
loggerplus.settings.dateTimeFormat = "[YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm:SS.sss]"; //The default date/time format
Date/time format legend
  • Y - Year
  • M - Month
  • D - Day
  • H - Hour
  • m - Minute
  • S - Second
  • s - Millisecond

The number fills from right to left, padding with 0's if necessary. E.g. (in the year 2016)

  • YY = 16
  • YYY = 016
  • YYYY = 2016
  • YYYYY = 02016

Note the '0 padding' in the last line.

Note - You can put any other character in the format string and it will remain constant, but escape sequences for the above characters have not been implemented yet (look out for future updates).

Custom tags

Must be activated with useTags

Create Global Tag
Create Local Tag
loggerplus.tags.createLocal("Tag", function_name);
Create Persistent Tag
loggerplus.tags.createPersistent("Tag", function_name);
Remove Global Tag
Remove Local Tag
loggerplus.tags.deleteLocal("Tag", function_name);
Remove Persistent Tag
loggerplus.tags.deletePersistent("Tag", function_name);
Remove All Global Tags
Remove All Local Tags (from a function)
Remove All Persistent Tags (from a function)


Must be activated with useMicroTemplating.

Add dynamic content anywhere in a logged string (including in custom tags) by using the following micro-templates:

  • {{caller}} - The name of the function who called the log function.
  • {{filename}} - The name of the file in which the log function was called.
  • {{filepath}} - The path to the file in which the log function was called.
  • {{linenumber}} - The line on which the log function was called.
  • {{colnumber}} - The column associated with the call to the log function (specifically, the l at the start of the log(...) function).

For example:

function foo() {
    console.log("Hello from {{caller}}");
foo(); //Will log "Hello from foo"

Custom transformations

Must be activated with useObjectTransformations or useTextTransformations


  • transformer: The transformation function.
  • function_name: The function relative to which the transformation will be applied.
The Transformation Function

The custom transformation function should take a single String parameter and return the modified String.

Transformations will be applied last, so the string that the function takes will contain the relevant tags (including date/time), allowing you to make changes if need be.

For example

//Transform text console output into upper case.
function text_transformer(input) {
    return input.toUpperCase();

//Add a property to output objects.
function object_transformer(input) {
    input.consoleOutput = true;
    return input;

Note: Whilst transformations will currently be applied in the order that they are created, I can't guarantee this to be the case in future updates. If you need to specify an order, I recommend you register a single transformation function which calls the others in order.

Also: You do NOT need to deep copy objects when modifying them to avoid breaking things. Loggerplus handles the copying of objects for you.

Create Global Transformation
Create Local Transformation
loggerplus.transformation.createLocalText(text_transformer, function_name)
loggerplus.transformation.createLocalObject(object_transformer, function_name)
Create Persistent Transformation
loggerplus.transformation.createPersistentText(text_transformer, function_name)
loggerplus.transformation.createPersistentObject(object_transformer, function_name)
Remove Global Transformation
loggerplus.transformation.deleteGlobalText(text_transformer, function_name)
loggerplus.transformation.deleteGlobalObject(object_transformer, function_name)
Remove Local Transformation
loggerplus.transformation.deleteLocalText(text_transformer, function_name)
loggerplus.transformation.deleteLocalObject(object_transformer, function_name)
Remove Persistent Transformation
loggerplus.transformation.deletePersistentText(text_transformer, function_name)
loggerplus.transformation.deletePersistentObject(object_transformer, function_name)
Remove All Global Transformations
Remove All Local Transformations (from a function)
Remove All Persistent Transformations (from a function)


A simple JavaScript library to add optional functionality directly to console.log, avoiding the need to refactor existing code.






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