Ring2Mongo uses PyEarthWorm to interface the EW Tracebuff Transport system to a Mongo Database.
This module already assumes Earthworm, Anaconda Python, and PyEarthworm are already installed and configured and with the same bit-size (32 or 64 bits). A copy of it is included in the git repo as as submodule run:
git submodule init
git submodule update
to fetch relevant files. To install and run:
- Download or clone the repository in an place accessible to executables for the user that runs earthworm.
- Move the compiled PyEW shared library into the gsof2ring folder.
- In startstop_*.d add the command 'Gsof2Ring.sh' with the following parameters:
- -p: Configuration file
The resulting commandline command should look like this:
Ring2Mongo.sh -p <Path to config file>
Unlike normal Earthworm modules, GSOF2Ring has a simpler type of configuration file. It has three major sections:
- Earthworm: Contains EW related info
- RING_ID: The integer that has the Ring ID
- MOD_ID: The integer that has the Module ID
- INST_ID: The integer tha belongs to the Installation ID
- MongoDB: Contains the MongoDB related info
- URL: Mongo database connection url
- DB: Mongo database collection name
The following is an example of a configuration file (usually named ring2mongo.d):
RING_ID: 1000
INST_ID: 141
HB: 30
URL: mongodb://localhost:27017/
DB: ew-waves
The descriptor files follows the normal Earthworm descriptor files structure and must include:
modName ring2mongo
modId MOD_Ring2Mongo
instId ${EW_INST_ID}
modName: a unique name for this module (May include station name)
modId: a unique Module ID as stated in earthworm.d (must be the same in .d)
instId: usually left as ${EW_INST_ID} (and must be the same one stated in .d)
If you have any comment or question contact us at:
- Module Launcher coded by Erol Kalkan (USGS)
- The development and maintenance of Ring2Mongo is funded entirely by software and research contracts with Boritech Solutions.