By Artx/Stayn
This Guide is going to tell you all the basics and functionality of this program made for automatic building of all your Kernel related process as your please (Only Kernel for now).
Basically, this program can handle the Kernel Building automatically with predefined by user data, you don't need a lot of knowledge to run this program and build your own kernel, this software is going to download and install all required tools to make your Kernel Building an easy task (Even the crosscompiler is downloaded automatically).
- Line 26: Program and Command: 'essentials' explanation
- Line 104: Command: 'auto (device)' explanation
- Line 122: Other program commands (Functions)
- Line 232: The '' config file
- Line 246: Program Variables
- Line 265: That's all
In order to run this program, you have to run "", this is the main script, to execute it, run "." has a command and the program will initialize, after this, you'll be prompted to accept an disclaimer, it's very important, because this software is going to require "sudo" access (To set the right permissions), then, you'll be into the first run and once it's finished, you can execute this program again to start the config process where this program will prompt you for the session needed information
Here is where you start once you finish setting all the configs, 'essentials' is the main command of this program, but it only works with flags, otherwise it'll display the flags information that I'm gonna explain right now:
This flag added to the command 'essentials' (essentials --kernel) is going to build your kernel automatically using the data that you entered previously, you don't have to worry about anything at this process if the kernel that you're building doesn't have any errors in his code.
If you allowed the kernel building debug during the program configuration then you'll see the compile process and if there's an error it will be more easy to you to fix it, however, if you're running it without kernel building debug then if there's an error everything will be logged into './resources/logs/' folder
The Kernel built is going to be stored into './out/zImagesNew/'. If you build a new kernel for the same device and variant, then your old kernel will be moved to './out/zImages/' and the new one to './out/zImagesNew/'. The kernel name is the same has device variant name.
This flag added to the command 'essentials' (essentials --dtb) is going to build the variant dtb (Device tree) image for your specific device and variant, this only applies to 32bits devices. It's highly recommended to build it because it's the specific device tree image for the kernel that you're going to build
The dtb image built is going to be stored into './out/dt/'.
This flag added to the command 'essentials' (essentials --anynerel) is going to build the installer for your variant using AnyKernel by osm0sis, during the configuration this program gives to you 3 options:
You can use the local AnyKernel template that is going to be extracted into './out/aktemplate/', this process is done during the configuration phase, for this option once the configuration is done you've to configure the template extracted
Download a template from your MEGA Account, you'll be prompted for entering the path of this template, you've to enter the folder where it belongs and then the file name that Must be compressed into a .zip file, if the path is correctly given, your template is going to be downloaded and extracted into './out/mega_aktemplate/'. Don't worry if you dont have MEGATools installed, this software is going download and install it
Manually set your own template into './out/aktemplate/' folder, that's it.
This flag added to the command 'essentials' (essentials --upload) is going to upload your recently AnyKernel installer to your MEGA Account, if you don't have MEGA Installed this software is going to download and install it
This flag added to the command 'essentials' (essentials --all) will do everything the above flags do, in order. Very useful if you want to do automatically all the processes from building the kernel to uploading it ready to install.
NOTE that all the above flags except '--all' can be combined, no matter in which order, all the functions are going to be done in order to prevent an error (For example: 'essentials --anykernel --kernel' will build the kernel and then build the installer)
This command allows you to make pre-configured files for a specified device, it requires that you have executed the program for the first time because it stores some config in your ~/.bashrc file, then, you can turn on or restart your machine and this command will still be available for it's use
When you run 'auto' and next to it you specify the device (for example: auto oneplus), if the device (oneplus) doesn't exist in the device database (./resources/devices/) then, it'll promt to you all the data required for kernel, dtb (if applies), anykernel and upload process
Once you have configured your device it'll be stored and when you run again the command 'auto' followed by the device name you configured before, (for example: auto oneplus) it'll load that device config file and build everything automatically (Kernel, dtb if applies, anykernel and upload if its enabled)
You can also, edit a device file with 'auto (device) --edit' or remove it with '--remove'. As I said before, this command always works and can be executed anywhere.
You can manually execute the functions of this program, there's a lot of them used by this software and I'll explain here some of them:
- checkfolders
- checkenvironment
- megacheck
- buildkernel
- buildkernel_debug
- build_dtb
- make_anykernel
- megaupload
- kbeclear
I'll explain each one:
This command will check in there's all folders needed to start working in your environment, to be more specific, it creates an "out" folder and inside it other sub-folders that I'll explain:
- out: Main output folder
- out/zImagesNew: Recently built zImages
- out/zImages: Last Built zImages
- out/newzips: New Zips built output folder
- out/aktemplate: Base Zips for new kernel installer builds (AnyKernel)
- out/mega_aktemplate: Base Zips for new kernel installer builds from MEGA (AnyKernel)
- out/dt: New Device Tree Images for each variants (dtb)
This command will check for the path of your crosscompiler, Also, it'll check the DTB tool that you shouldn't worry about because it's included in ./resources/dtb/dtbToolLineage, it'll check also check for the Zip Tool to re-pack your new AnyKernel installer and some android Development tools needed in your Linux installation.
Note that, if this program doesn't detect the crosscompiler path, kernel building process will be cancelled (In which case it would be extremely rare because this software auto-downloads the correspondent crosscompiler).
This command will check if MEGA is installed, if it is, it's going the check for the ~/.megarc configuration file for automatic login and uploads (This file is used only by megatools program, there's nothing else in the whole code of this software that makes use of it).
You can also run this program with --reconfigure flag (megacheck --reconfigure) to re-configure megarc file, I mean, to change the email, password or both in case of an error or you just want to use another account
This is the command to initialize Kernel Building, if your crosscompiler path is set correctly, this will build the kernel on the source that you previously selected after running the main script of this program (./ If there was an compilation error it'll prompt to you to open the buildkernel_log.txt file where you can see what went wrong in the process. After a successful build, the old kernel built (it theres one) will be moved to "./out/zImages" and new Kernel will be copied to "./out/zImagesNew".
This is the same script as above with two differences:
This will show all the compilation process in the screen
buildkernel_log.txt isn't gonna be used here because you'll see all the process
This command will generate the dt.img (Device Tree Image) using the dtbToolLineage inside './resources/dtb/', the file will be renamed to the variant name specified for your phone and moved to './out/dtb'.
This command will work depending on which option you selected during the configuration phase of this software, if you selected to use the local template or manually set the template this command will simply take the lastest kernel and dtb for the specified variant and make a new installer with it made into './out/aktemplate/' and moved to './out/newzips/'.
If you selected to download and extract the template from MEGA, then this command will do the same but using the './out/mega_aktemplate' folder instead to make a new installer.
No, I'm not talking about old, this command will upload your new kernel installer into the root of your MEGA Account, that's all :)
This command will make a full cleaning of your KB-E folder, if you break something or this software isn't working as expected you can always try to make a full cleaning of this program using that command. This will not delete your source folder.
Don't use these commands when you're building anything for multi-variants, rather use the essentials command, this will only work the first variant
As I said before, this program will prompt to you for data that'll be used during all the processes, but, here comes the "./". This configuration file is designed to have all the data used during the program execution, all the data that is prompted to the user can be pre-defined here in this file, you just have to modify his settings and enable it (There's a variable named "DSENABLED", change the value to 1), and the program will no longer ask you for necessary data, this will make a more faster and automatized session of this program.
This program uses a lot of variables, but, some of them can be changed during a session, it could be very useful if you want to quickly change a config some variables that you might need to know are these:
- KERNELNAME - This variable contains the kernel name
- TARGETANDROID - Contains the target android OS
- VERSION - Contains the version of your kernel
- KDEBUG - If this variable contains the 'y' value then you'll see all the kernel compilation process
- MAKEDTB - If this variable contains the value '1' it'll enable the device tree image generation for the current kernel build
- P - Path to the kernel source that will be used during the session of this software
- CLR - If this variable contains the value 'y' it'll enable the kernel source cleaning on each kernel build
This program, can run on every Linux machine and it's fully portable, you can extract it anywhere you want but you must cd (enter this directory), to run, once its done, you can use the commands wherever you are.
That's all, thanks for reading and happy building! If you need any support or help send me a email to "" or PM (private message) me on Telegram @ArtxDev ! :)