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How to Contribute

Komediruzecki edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 1 revision


You can help contribute to by following these steps:

Make sure you have a working installation of npm and git. Run npm -v and git --version to verify this.

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Clone your fork into an empty directory with SSH:
  3. Follow development details and build instructions (see below) to run and test your code

You can now start making changes to the code. This is a good point to look through open issues.

Submit your changes

Submit a PR with your changes, and wait for it to be reviewed. Make any changes if needed and it will be merged.

Development and Build details

Folder structure

  • dist : Bundled electron app stuff. All executable and installable of the electron app are generated in this folder. You can generate this by npm run prepack, npm run pack, and npm run release scripts.
  • compiled : Compiled web app resources from npm run build script. The resources are for deploying the web app.
  • electron : Compiled electron resources from npm run build:electron script. You can run it by npm start script. The resources are for packaging the electron app.
  • src : Source code.


Please copy .env.default file and create a file named .env in the root of the project directory, or the build will fail.

Electron app

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Run webpack
npm run dev:webpack

# Run electron (you have to open another terminal to run this)
npm run dev:electron

Production Build

# Run electron build
npm run build:electron

# Run pack (see results in dist folder)
npm run pack

For Windows users, If npm run dev:electron doesn't spawn an electron window, please try again after removing %APPDATA%\electron directory.

Thanks for your contribution! <3

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