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Releases: BookStackApp/BookStack

BookStack v24.05.4

29 Aug 15:10
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Security Release

BookStack v24.05.4 has been released.

This is a security release to address issues found in LDAP group syncing, where in certain scenarios a user could be matched to extra roles incorrectly, and an issue with content visibility in "book-show" API responses which would not have permissions applied properly.

Upgrade is strongly advised for instances where LDAP authentication is used with group syncing, or where the REST API is used to fetch contents of books ("books-read" endpoint).

Thanks to Linus Nagel and their team at WorkSimple GmbH for reporting this API vulnerability.

Full List of Changes

  • Updated API docs with consistent parameter types. (#5183)
  • Updated default content iframe embed max-width to align with other content types. (#5130)
  • Updated LDAP group sync to query via full DN.
  • Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes. (#5118)
  • Fixed books read API response not applying visibility control to chapter contents.
  • Fixed API docs users response showing extra property. (#5178)
  • Fixed database error thrown when using out dev docker setup. (#5124)
  • Fixed RTL display issues with tasklist checkboxes. (#5134)

BookStack v24.05.3

14 Jul 16:19
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Full List of Changes

This release contains the following fixes and changes:

  • Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes. (#5065)
  • Updated callouts with LTR text handling where supported. (#5104)
  • Updated project PHP and JavaScript dependencies.
  • Fixed blocked loading when using a custom URL that includes a port. (#5107)
  • Fixed OIDC incorrectly calling userinfo endpoint when valid empty groups provided. (#5101)
  • Fixed image replacement being case-sensitive when it should not be. Thanks to @DanielGordonIT. (#5096) (#5095)
  • Fixed HTML code block highlighting when custom self-closing tags are used. (#5078)
  • Fixed testing when custom ALLOWED_IFRAME_SOURCES is set. Thanks to @mueller-contria. (#5069) (#5068)

BookStack v24.05.2

10 Jun 10:44
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Full List of Changes

This release contains the following fixes and changes:

  • Fixed initial page publish changelog message not being saved if set. (#5056)
  • Fixed incorrect WYSIWYG code shortcut reference. Thanks to @bradenterpstra01. (#5036)
  • Added role create/update validation to warn about too-long external auth ID values. (#5037)
  • Updated GIF thumbnail generation to no support animation, to avoid issues with large-frame-count GIFs. (#5029)
  • Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes. (#5022)
  • Updated backup code description text to clarify their use. (#5017)
  • Updated docker-compose.yml to remove deprecated version. Thanks to @michaelortnerit. (#5052)

BookStack v24.05.1

21 May 10:13
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Security Release

BookStack v24.05.1 has been released.
This is a security release that adds extra rate-limiting to some forms that are accessible without authentication, while also implementing changes to prevent methods that could be used to indicate if specific user emails exist in the system.

Upgrade is advised for instances accessible on the public web.

Full List of Changes

  • Updated PHP dependencies.
  • Updated routes with IP-based rate limiting. (#4993)
  • Updated email confirmation flow to not require email submission form.
  • Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes. (#4994)
  • Updated WYSIWYG alignment handling to also consider table align attributes. (#5011)
  • Fixed attachment upload validation errors appearing as JSON. (#4996)
  • Fixed incorrect notification preferences URL in email. Thanks to @KiDxS. (#5008, #5005)
  • Fixed non-visible MFA setup titles in dark mode. (#5018)
  • Fixed outdated path in visual theme system guidance. (#4998)
  • Fixed potential cache permission issues by reverting cache location. (#4999)

BookStack v24.05

11 May 14:55
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Upgrade Notices

  • PHP Version Requirement Change - The minimum supported PHP version has changed from PHP 8.0.2 to PHP 8.1 in this release. Please see our "Updating PHP & Composer" documentation page for guidance on updating PHP.
  • Composer Version Requirement Change - The minimum supported composer version has changed from v2.0 to v2.2 in this release. Please see our "Updating PHP & Composer" documentation page for guidance on updating Composer.
  • Page Content - Text links in page content will now be underlined by default for accessibility. Refer to the release blogpost for an simple customization to override & revert this if desired.
  • PDF Exports - The WKHTMLTOPDF option is now considered deprecated, with the alternative being the newly added EXPORT_PDF_COMMAND which is detailed in our documentation here. The WKHTMLTOPDF option will though remain supported for a number of feature releases though to avoid unexpected breaking changes.
  • OIDC Authentication - The OIDC "userinfo" endpoint may now be called in very rare scenarios where not all expected claims were being properly provided in the user ID Token, which could alter the details used for new users on access, and the groups obtained for user group/role sync, but only in edge case scenarios where functionality was not matching configuration before the update.
  • LDAP Authentication - The LDAP_USER_FILTER BookStack option now uses {user} as a placeholder instead of ${user} by default. The older ${user} placeholder format is still supported but you may want to use the new format instead. This should not cause any issues on existing instances, unless {user} was used as a literal part of your user filter which would be very unlikely.

Full List of Changes

  • Added new command-based PDF export option. (#4969, #4732)
  • Added Audit Log API list endpoint. (#4987, #4316)
  • Added LDAP option to provide a custom CA cert. Thanks to @mmoore2012. (#4985, #4913)
  • Added OIDC userinfo endpoint support. Thanks to @LukeShu. (#4955, #4726, #3873)
  • Added simple registration form honeypot. Thanks to @nesges. (#4970)
  • Added Scala to list of supported languages in code blocks. (#4953)
  • Added licenses page supported by licenses list building process. (#4907)
  • Updated app framework from Laravel 9 to 10. (#4903)
  • Updated content links to be underlined by default for accessibility. (#4939)
  • Updated dev Dockerfile with improvements. Thanks to @C0rn3j. (#4895)
  • Updated included images with extra compression to save data. Thanks to @C0rn3j. (#4904)
  • Updated JS build system to split markdown-focused packages to own file. (#4930, #4858)
  • Updated LDAP user filter option to support new placeholder format. (#4967)
  • Updated minimum required PHP version from 8.0 to 8.1. (#4894, #4893)
  • Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes. (#4890)
  • Fixed code direction in WYSWIYG editor lacking direction support in code editor. (#4943)
  • Fixed difference of line-heights for paragraphs in tables between editor and page view. (#4960)
  • Fixed extra space at the beginning of a translation. Thanks to @johnroyer. (#4972)
  • Fixed failing drag and drop of attachments into editor on Chrome. (#4975)
  • Fixed incorrect tag counts when tagged items are in the recycle bin. (#4892)
  • Fixed WYSIWYG object embeds in the editor showing image toolbar button. (#4974)
  • Fixed WYSIWYG table cell format handling which could clear styles unexpectedly. (#4964)

BookStack v24.02.3

05 Apr 14:28
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Full List of Changes

This release contains the following fixes and changes:

  • Fixed non-working "Open Link In..." option for description editors. (#4925)
  • Fixed failed reference loading when references are from recycle bin items. (#4918)
  • Fixed failed code block rendering when a code language was not set. (#4917)
  • Updated page editor max content widths to align with page display. (#4916)

BookStack v24.02.2

11 Mar 14:32
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Full List of Changes

This release contains the following fixes and changes:

  • New version to address missed version and asset changes in v24.02.1. (#4889)

BookStack v24.02.1

10 Mar 18:47
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Full List of Changes

This release contains the following fixes and changes:

  • Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes. (#4877)
  • Updated breadcrumb book & shelf lists to be name-ordered. (#4876)
  • Updated MFA inputs to avoid auto-complete. Thanks to @ImMattic. (#4849)
  • Fixed non-breaking spaces causing combined words in page navigation. (#4836)
  • Fixed page navigation click not jumping to headers in nested collapsible blocks. (#4878)

BookStack v24.02

28 Feb 13:39
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Upgrade Notices

  • Security - The v23.12 branch of BookStack recently had a security release, which you can find details of in our v23.12.3 blogpost.
  • Comments - The ability to use markdown content in comments has been removed in this release, replaced by a WYSIWYG editor. Markdown in comments was a fairly hidden feature though so was not commonly utilised. Existing markdown comments will remain although formatting may be lost if old markdown comments are edited.
  • Commands - The "Regenerate Comment Content" command has been removed in this release since this action is now redundant.
  • OIDC Authentication - Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) support has been added to BookStack OIDC authentication. This should not affect existing OIDC use but you may want to enforce PKCE to be required for BookStack on your authentication system, if supported, for extra security.

Full List of Changes

  • Added simple WYSIWYG comment editor inputs. (#4815, #3018)
  • Added default page templates for chapters. Thanks to @Man-in-Black. (#4750, #4764)
  • Added PKCE support for OIDC. (#4804, #4734)
  • Added "Clear table formatting" & "Resize to contents" WYSIWYG table options. (#4845)
  • Added "Toggle header row" button to table toolbar in WYSWIYG editor. (#985)
  • Added attachment serving range request support. (#4758, #3274)
  • Added new AUTH_PRE_REGISTER logical theme event. (#4833)
  • Updated app entity loading to be more efficient and avoid global addSelects. (#4827, #4823)
  • Updated book/shelf cover image wording to make sizing in usage clearer. (#4748)
  • Updated PWA manifest to allow landscape use. Thanks to @shashinma. (#4828)
  • Updated redirect handling to reduce chance of redirecting to images. (#4863)
  • Updated some EN text for consistency/readability. (#4794)
  • Updated WYSIWYG editor with improved cell selection formatting clearing. (#4850)
  • Updated WYSIWYG text direction & alignment controls to work more reliably on complex structures. (#4843)
  • Fixed breadcrumb dropdowns being partially out of view on mobile screen sizes. (#4824)
  • Fixed description WYSIWYG not respecting RTL text. (#4810)
  • Fixed header bar collapse on smaller screen sizes when no name or logo is used. (#4841)
  • Fixed incorrect pagination display in RTL layout. (#4808)
  • Fixed JavaScript error logged on WYSIWYG editor load due to how custom styles were imported. (#4814)
  • Fixed scrollbars showing on WYSIWYG table cell range selection in some browsers. (#4844)
  • Fixed WYSIWYG code block text direction controls not being respected. (#4809)

BookStack v23.12.3

26 Feb 12:09
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Security Release

BookStack v23.12.3 has been released.
This is a security release that addresses a vulnerability in PDF generation that could be exploited to perform blind server-side-request forgery.

Upgrade is advised where untrusted users have permission to create/edit/update page content in your instance.

Full List of Changes

  • Updated PHP dependencies, primarily to update php-svg-lib package.