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Releases: Bonitasoft-Community/restapi_context

use org.bonitasoft.web.extension (7.11)

21 Jan 00:11
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Archive variable fix

27 May 17:38
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When the case is archived, archived process data wasn't retrieved

Bug permission on Local variable

02 May 17:23
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Local variables were not loaded due to a permission error. Fixed


10 Mar 19:49
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If the pilot is incorrect (example, give "myvalue" : true, instead of "myvalue": "*") then the RestApi does not failed and considere the permission as false.

add context/pathContext

19 Mar 23:03
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Add context/pathContext in the result

2.11 Remove JAVA component

14 Nov 22:50
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Keep it simple: remove the Java Component.
This implementation is only in Groovy, and then it's not possible to load an external Java component. If you did it, then continue to use the 2.10 then


31 Oct 17:20
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Deliver the ContextAnalysis page, in order to understand why some data is returned (or not) to the user. The page give a status data per data, for the user given in parameters.

2.9 maven refactoring, external source, access right

11 Jul 17:39
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2.9 Supervisor, accessright and explicit variable
include the accessright mechanism, and use a cache to speed up the permission calculation
include the explicit variable mechanism
Refactoring the Gitbub project (thanks to Kilian for the amazing job here)
is the user is a Supervisor (Process Manager), then let access the context
Add in the context isSupervisor (boolean)
Add in the context a "allowContext" to explain how the user accessed the context if isLog=true
when the URL contains "log=true" and the user is a ADMINISTRATOR or SUPERVISOR, then the context return "log".
Fix bug to list document where case is archived
Fix bug to the caseId information when we access by a taskId only
when the case is archive, return in context the "caseid" with the ACTIVE case, and "archivedcaseid" is the new caseId

7.5 Ready

09 Jun 20:17
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Fix bug in the Document Access
in a sub process, search the Pilot in the sub process OR the root process 
7.5 ready and accept the new java.time.LocalDate date, and return the data correctly for the 7.5 new Bonita Widget

Document Permission access

08 May 17:50
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Access on parameters : in the pilot, the parameter has to be declare (else the "":"" return all parameters)
pilot on parameter : it's possible to declare "paramcontext" as a parameters, and give a context. Then, this context is use.
Priority is
- localcontext
- globalcontext
- paramcontext
Two advantages to use the paramcontext : 1/ it's not use any variable memory, 2/ it's available at the nstantiation, for example to protect the access on some parameters.

Dateformat configuration (Kilian Stein )

AccessRight : Check if user can access to what he asks
in the value, it' possible to use "data", "public", "actor", "initiator", "task" and "format"
"firstname" : "data",
"comment": "initator;task:review",
"adresse" : {
"street" : "actor:Verify Adresse",
"city" : "actor:Verify Adresse",
Fix :
dateFormat bug (Kilian Stein )

--- Document Permission Rule : a Permission Rule is release. This rule will check on the document Download who can access the document, by loading the pilot.
Example :

       "documentStudent" : "initiator;actor:medical",
       "documentTeacher" : "actor:teacher",
       "documentConclusion" : "public"