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Tasks, dataset components, loss functions, and utilities for using pytorch lightning for deep learning with medical image data.


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Tasks, dataset components, loss functions, and utilities for using pytorch lightning for deep learning with medical image data.

License: GPL v3


0. Clone this repo

# from your main projects folder / wherever you keep your git repos...
# ... with SSH authentication
git clone
# ... or straight HTTPS
git clone

1. Create a conda environment:

conda create -n blptl -c numerics88 -c conda-forge n88tools python=3
conda activate blptl

This should work on MacOS and on linux (and on ARC).

2. Download and install Bonelab:

# from your main projects folder / wherever you keep your git repos...
# ... with SSH authentication
git clone
# ... or straight HTTPS
git clone
# go into the repo
cd Bonelab
# install in editable mode
pip install -e .

3. Install blpytorchlightning:

# go into the repo
cd bonelab-pytorch-lightning
# install in editable mode
pip install -e .
Warning: When setting up an environment, you should install things with conda first and then pip.
If you flip back and forth you'll end up breaking your environment eventually!

4. Use it!

Create a separate project directory and easily write scripts for training models using the blptl environment! You can see some example scripts in


If you want to view the documentation locally:

cd docs
make html

Then open up docs/build/html/index.html in a local browser.

If you add a new module you can update the docs by doing (starting from the root directory):

cd docs
sphinx-apidoc -o source ../blpytorchlightning
make html

When the repo becomes public the docs can be hosted on a public webpage and locally building them won't be necessary.

How to use

The installed package can be imported at the root level as blpytorchlightning.

blpytorchlightning.dataset_components - Components for loading, sampling, and transforming data. Used for constructing pytorch Datasets by composition. See blpytorchlightning.dataset_components.datasets.ComposedDataset for a generic/flexible example of a composed Dataset

blpytorchlightning.loss_functions - Custom differentiable loss functions.

blpytorchlightning.models - Custom implemented torch models e.g. for classification or segmentation. Should all inherit from torch.nn.Module.

blpytorchlightning.tasks - Custom implemented pytorch-lightning "tasks." They abstract away and/or tidy up much of the boilerplate code required for a typical deep learning task, e.g. segmentation. Should all inherit from pytorch_lightning.LightningModule.

blpytorchlightning.utils - Utility functions such as for converting level set embeddings to masks, or detecting zero crossings.


This project uses unit testing and style guide enforcement. PyCharm CE is highly recommended as a text editor / IDE. It will integrate with your conda environment and highlight most, if not all, style errors as you go.

If you want to add something:

1. Create a new branch

git pull
git checkout -b <your-name>/<short-description-of-what-you-are-adding>


git pull
git checkout -b nathan/add-new-vision-transformer-model

2. Add or modify code.

Type-hinting and numpy-style doc strings are mandatory for all functions and class methods (otherwise it's too hard for others to figure out how to use them). If you are adding code that is based on published work then please make sure to put references to the corresponding paper(s) in your doc-strings.

3. Write tests

Currently, unit tests are written using the unittest package. We may upgrade at some point to use additional packages e.g. hypothesis. Tests are all located in the tests/ directory, with a directory structure that mirrors that of the source files. If you add a module, add a corresponding test sub-directory. If you add a class or function, add a test case inheriting from unittest.TestCase. If you modify an existing class or function, add or change the appropriate test methods to the existing test case.

4. Run tests

To run all tests at the root level (bonelab-pytorch-lightning/):

nosetest tests

5. Ensure style conformance:

First, run black at the root level (bonelab-pytorch-lightning/):

black blpytorchlightning

This will automatically fix most style errors.

Second, run flake8 at the root level (bonelab-pytorch-lightning/):

flake8 blpytorchlightning

If there is no terminal output, there's no problems. If there is terminal output, those are style errors that black couldn't fix and that you should go and correct before trying to merge your code.

6. Submit a pull request

The easiest way to do this is from the web interface. Go to, switch to your branch, and click Contribute > Open pull request. If the tests and style checks pass it can be merged.

Full explanation on GitHub Docs.


Tasks, dataset components, loss functions, and utilities for using pytorch lightning for deep learning with medical image data.







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