a reactive navigation bar component that's based on element-ui. IE compatible
npm install reactive-navigation-bar -S
import Vue from 'vue'
import ReactiveNavigationBar from 'reactive-navigation-bar'
# Vue.component('reactive-navigation-bar', ReactiveNavigationBar) # 可以指定组件名称
Vue.use(ReactiveNavigationBar) # 组件名称 `reactive-navigation-bar`
For more information, please refer to ReactiveNavigationBar in our documentation.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for demo with minification
npm run demo:build
# build for gh-pages with minification
npm run demo:prepublish
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# generate gh-pages
npm run deploy
<div class="vd-demo__block vd-demo__block-2">
width="calc(100% - 100px)"
export default {
data () {
return {
theme: 'light',
dataList: [],
color: '#1890ff'
mounted() {
this.dataList = [
title: 'Dashboard',
hide: false,
path: '1',
icon: 'el-icon-s-tools',
children: [
title: '分析页',
hide: false,
icon: 'el-icon-star-off',
path: '1.1',
disabled: true
title: '监控页',
icon: 'el-icon-s-operation',
path: '1.2',
hide: false
title: '工作台',
icon: 'el-icon-s-cooperation',
path: '1.3',
hide: false
title: '表单页',
hide: false,
icon: 'el-icon-s-order',
children: [
title: '数据管理对象长长长长长长长',
hide: false,
path: '2.1',
children: [{
title: '数据管理对象长长长长长长长',
hide: false,
path: '2.1.1'
title: '分步表单',
hide: false,
path: '2.2',
children: [{
title: '数据管',
hide: false,
path: '2.2.1'
title: '高级表单',
hide: false,
path: '2.3'
title: '列表页',
hide: false,
path: '3',
icon: 'el-icon-s-platform'
title: '搜索列表',
hide: false,
path: '4.1',
icon: 'el-icon-search',
children: [
title: '搜索列表(文章)',
hide: false,
path: '4.1.1'
title: '搜索列表(应用)',
hide: false,
disabled: true,
path: '4.1.2'
title: '搜索列表(项目)',
hide: false,
path: '4.1.3'
title: '详情页',
hide: false,
disabled: true,
path: '5',
icon: 'el-icon-s-claim'
methods: {
toggleColor() {
if (this.color === '#ffd04b') {
this.color = '#1890ff';
} else {
this.color = '#ffd04b';
toggle() {
if (this.theme === 'light') {
this.theme = 'dark';
} else {
this.theme = 'light';
参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
data | 菜单 | Array | - | - |
default-active | 默认选中项 | String | - | - |
route-mode | 是否菜单选中只与当前路由route有关 | Boolean | - | false |
trigger | 子菜单浮窗触发方法 | String | hover, click | hover |
theme | 主题 | String | light, dark | light |
theme-color | 主题颜色 | String | - | #52c41a |
background-color | 背景颜色 | String | - | 当主题为light时,默认为#e6f7ff; 当主题为dark时,默认为#24292e |
align | 主菜单排列方式 | String | fixed, fluid | fluid |
width | 主菜单宽度 | Number, String | - | - |
bar-height | 主菜单高度 | Number, String | - | 56 |
menu-height | 子菜单高度 | Number, String | - | 32 |
arrow | 是否在主菜单内显示箭头 | Boolean | - | true |
bar-background-active | 子菜单选中时是否改变主菜单背景颜色 | Boolean | - | false |
underline | 选中时是否有下划线效果 | Boolean | - | true |
append-to-body | 悬浮子菜单是否挂载到body上 | Boolean | - | true |
strict-align | 子菜单宽度是否对齐主菜单 | Boolean | - | true |
事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
select | 菜单被选中时的事件 | item, index, indexPath, event |
open | 开启子菜单浮窗的事件 | item, index, indexPath |
close | 关闭子菜单浮窗的事件 | item, index, indexPath |
名称 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
icon | 图标 | String | - | - |
title | 标题 | String | - | - |
path | 路由 | String | - | - |
hide | 是否隐藏 | Boolean | - | false |
disabled | 是否禁用 | Boolean | - | false |
children | 子菜单数据 | Array[Object] | - | [] |
meta | 辅助性属性(内含index时,index内容与是否选中有关) | Object | - | - |
: 路由跳转兼容IE浏览器; 添加routeMode属性,支持纯路由的选中判断