Neovim plugin for check or uncheck tasks in markdown files. A Task is:
[ ]
- unchecked task[x]
- checked task
- instead of using regex to find tasks, use treesitter
- multi-line check & un-check
- complete file check & un-check
- nvim-treesitter
- neovim >9.0.0 was tested, but should also run on previous versions
use {
requires = "nvim-treesitter",
ft = "markdown"
config = true,
dependencies = "nvim-treesitter",
ft = "markdown"
To be able to check & uncheck task in a visual selection (visual mode), it is neseccary to bind the command to a key combination,
e.g. <leader>tc
, otherwise the check & uncheck is not working proberly. The reason is, that otherwise the visual mode will be quit before
and the start and end of the selected range is not correct.
check the selected line or selected range of tasks.
-- example keeps visual selection active
"<leader>tc", "<CMD>TaskTogglerCheck<CR>"
-- example switches into normal mode afterwrads
"<leader>tc", "<CMD>TaskTogglerCheck<CR><Esc>"
To check all tasks in a file just use this command.
-- example switches into normal mode afterwrads
"<leader>ta", "<CMD>TaskTogglerCheckAll<CR>"
check the selected line or selected range of tasks.
-- example keeps visual selection active
"<leader>tu", "<CMD>TaskTogglerUncheck<CR>"
-- example switches into normal mode afterwrads
"<leader>tu", "<CMD>TaskTogglerUncheck<CR><Esc>"
To uncheck all tasks in a file just use this command.
-- example switches into normal mode afterwrads
"<leader>tc", "<CMD>TaskTogglerUncheckAll<CR>"