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Releases: BlueCyro/CherryPick

Fix exceptions - 1.1.2

20 Jul 23:47
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This releases fixes a myriad of exceptions that appeared after the type update.

  • Fixed exception when trying to create generic type that doesn't exist (#22)
  • Fixed exception when trying to encode a non-datamodel type
  • Fixed component browser showing a blank screen when navigating to generic types from the search menu (#21)


Type update hotfix - 1.1.1

11 Jul 22:03
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This is a simple hotfix for Resonite build 2024.7.11.1293 which compensates for a few classes and methods that moved around. This should work as normal now!


Go very fast - 1.1.0

01 Jul 03:26
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In our current runtime (Unity mono 5.11), CherryPick seems to exacerbate certain innocuous usages of reflection, causing slowdowns in seemingly unrelated parts of the game due to the fact that it needs to look up all valid FrooxEngine component names via methods that use reflection.

It is highly recommended (though not required) that you also grab Effortless Efficiency to install alongside CherryPick, as it will alleviate some issues with the runtime such as Animator components hitching when switching their clips. Install Effortless Efficiency if you experience any weird performance issues.

With that out of the way, I've optimized the search method for CherryPick by de-LinQ-ifying much of the search loop. Searching should be far more performant. I've also changed the method by which the component list is looked up and cached, which should solve the slowdowns in other parts of the game too (contacts list, inventory, some other stuff that utilizes reflection, etc.) and so your games should feel much snappier.

I strive to make my mods as non-invasive and as light as possible, so I deeply apologize if you've been noticing performance slowdowns with my mod installed. Seeing the popularity CherryPick has gained warms my heart, and so hopefully these few things make up for that. ❤️


  • Improved search method speed significantly by removing LinQ from hot parts of the search code
    • The searching should be more efficient and feel snappier overall
  • Changed method for building the component cache, avoiding significant slowdowns in other parts of the engine - solves issue #17
  • Provided link to Effortless Efficiency - solves issue #10


Much improved generic typing support - 1.0.7

30 Apr 20:48
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This release includes support for Resonite's new, more intuitive generic typing! You can now pick generic types right from the search bar far more easily.

  • Support Resonite's new generic type string recognition
    • E.g. You can now type "valuef<float>" instead of "valuef`1[System.Single]" to get a ValueField<float> component



Updated search algorithm - 1.0.6

18 Apr 00:43
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This release does some spring cleaning in the code and adds a new relaxed search algorithm!

  • Add relaxed search algorithm, allowing multiple partial name matches by typing spaces (e.g. "dynamic space" -> DynamicVariableSpace) - courtesy of @brecert!

Eventually I'll get around to making it work with other users in the session, hopefully next update!


Preparatory Update - 1.0.5

04 Apr 03:44
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This release of CherryPick is meant for the upcoming settings UI update for Resonite.

NOTE that this is not compatible with builds made before the UI update! Don't install this unless you're either on the pre-release build, or the UI update has released fully. With that said;


Fixed startup times and double click! - 1.0.4

24 Jan 04:17
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This release entails a fix for the historically longer startup times due to the dictionary population and a fix for #6.

  • Run scope warmup in a task to avoid blocking the main thread
  • Fix double click not working on generic types (note that if you change a setting, you will have to update the search results for the changes to take effect!)

I've also added proper assembly info, bringing this mod in line with some of my newer ones in that the DLL actually has proper metadata now.


Some more goodies! - 1.0.3

14 Nov 02:29
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This release fixes issue #8 (reported by @MrVoltz), you should now be able to find everything to your heart's content!

Included are a couple new options as well:

  • Option to increase or decrease the number of search results displayed (clamped to 40), suggested by @Nytra in #7
  • Option to disable focus clearing on search result buttons, suggested by @5H4D0W-X in #4


What's Changed

  • fix bepinex compatibility by @art0007i in #5
  • Scan for workers only after FrooxEngine is fully initialized by @MrVoltz in #9

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3

Fixed single click option - 1.0.2

07 Nov 16:17
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As succinct as the title, the single click option now functions as-intended and can be disabled now.


Flairs! - 1.0.1

07 Nov 02:53
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This release adds some small colored flairs here and there, and adds some settings to enable or disable parts (or all) of CherryPick.


Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1