Changes to be made:
- Split the test files into Kasiski + IC + MIC file and redirect output of previous part as input to next part
- The code takes a list of possible keys and decrypts the CT into PT and then calculates the IC of PT. It returns the most likly outcome with the best IC and lists others as Other possible outcomes. Limit this other possible outcomes to 5 other PT variations based on top IC values in decreasing order
- Need to create more test cases and put them into a file
- Need to create requirements.txt
- Need to create a make file or equivalent that prints what is going to happen in every step - install requirements, runing of files in an order, user choice to select pre0defined inputs of enter a manual input, etc.
- Rewriting the ReadME file at the end for better understanding
- Zip download and share with Phaneesh once everything is completed and ready for submission