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Christian Goursaud edited this page Jul 24, 2020 · 4 revisions

Tinctoris Music Entry

Document header

[Standard title of composition]
Checked by:
Date established:
Base transcription: [source used to begin with, ‘best’ if there is one]
[Siglum [tab] MS identifier], fols. [(modern numeration) if so] [tab] [composer ascription; ‘—’ if anon. in source]

Sources: repeat sigla as necessary; sources in chronological order as in List of works to be edited.

Document header is non-mandatory for rendering in the editor.

Enclosing tags

Enclosing tags work like XML elements:
<tag: qualifier, qualifier> ... </tag>

Structural tags

  • <piece: {mensural: [void|full]}, {staf: 5, [black|red]}>... </piece>
  • <section: [Kyrie|Gloria|etc.|Aleph|Beth|etc.]>...</section>
  • <pars>...</pars>
  • <part: [Supremum|Contratenor|Tenor|Bassus (in [] if necessary)]>... </part>
    [new part on a new paragraph for convenience]

Text tags

  • <label: [rot90c|rot90a if rotated], [vertical position of start if rotated, of baseline if not rotated and not = 0]>...</label>
    [colon should be omitted if no qualifiers]
  • <text: [vertical position of baseline if not = 0]>...</text>
    [colon should be omitted if no qualifier]

Feature tags

  • <red>...</red>
    [or other colour as called for]
  • <full>...</full>
    [or void if called for (e.g. semiminims in major prolation)]
  • <lig>...</lig> [for ligatures]
  • <obl>...</obl> [obliquity in a ligature]
  • <ll: [-1 = one leger line below the staff; 2 = two above, etc.][, colour if other than that of staff]>...</ll> [ledger line]
  • **...** [pop-up comments]

If it makes for easier reading, the enclosing tags can be spaced around their contents:
<tag> ... </tag>.

Non-enclosing tags


extended Guidonian:

  • AA–GG (GG = Gamma ut),
  • G–A,
  • g–a (c = middle C),
  • gg–aa, etc.

Pitched items

M = maxima
L = longa
B = breve
S = semibreve
m = minim [upward stem; for downward stems (deprecated) prefix -m, -s, etc.]
s = semiminim
f = fusa

b = flat [NB: all accidentals should be located as in sources, not as in modern usage]
h = natural
x = sharp
c = custos

All pitched items should be identified by note value followed immediately by pitch (e.g. Bg).

Vertical position of unpitched items

0 = 2nd leger line below staff
2 = 1st leger line below staff
4 = 1st staff line, etc.
odd numbers = spaces


An unambiguous dot of augmentation or perfection should follow immediately after the note affected: e.g. Bg.
If it is not in the conventional space (i.e. the same space as a note on a space, or the space just above a note on a line), its numerical vertical position should be indicated.
Dots of division or ambiguous dots should be spaced away from notes on either side and their vertical position indicated: e.g. Ba Sg .7 Sf Bg

Other unpitched items


P[note value, breve or less][numerical vertical position of space]
(e.g. PS7)

(Group) of longa rest(s)
PL[numerical vertical position of lowest space]-[position of highest space][x[2|3] if called for] (e.g. PL5-7, PL7-11x2)

  • * = fermata above note
    [+ numerical vertical position if not the next space]
  • -* = fermata below note [ditto]
Signum congruentiae
  • ? = signum congruentiae above note [ditto]
  • -? = signum congruentiae below note [ditto]
  • | = barline
  • || = double barline, etc.

By default, barlines extend across the entire staff; if they are shorter or longer, the numerical vertical position of the bottom and top must be specified, e.g.: ||2-14

[number of barlines in repeat sign]:[numerical vertical position of lowest space]-[position of highest space]
e.g. 2:5-7


  • ^ = (in music) superimposed on preceding item; useful for podatus-style ligatures (e.g. <lig>Ba ^Lc</lig>) or ‘double stops’ (e.g. Ba ^{full}Bc), etc.
  • ^ = (in text) superscript (^...^ if necessary);
  • in variants, [source siglum]^* = original reading, [siglum]^c = corrected reading
  • [-] = adds horizontal space
  • _ = reduces horizontal space