Version 1.3.4: More bug fixes
A brand new version of the eFP-Seq Browser has dropped!
Version 1.3.4 (dev version: p20200910) includes mostly bug fixes but also, an optimization on lazy loading images.
- Lazy loading has been added to all images
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue where Google Login/Authentication data and buttons would not load
- Fixed issue where Google Login/Authentication and autofill data would not initialize
- Fixed issue where OAuth would not load properly causing issues with accounts
- Fixed issue where some styling would not appropriately change to loaded data
- Fixed issue where if an %20 (space character) was in a shared link, would cause an issue retrieving that value
- Fixed an issue where invalid locus or records would prevent anything from being loaded
- Fixed an issue where if cannot find start base pair position, would prevent anything from being loaded
- Fixed issue where SVG would not colour correctly
- Fixed issue where elements could not find their data values
- Added more fail-safes to prevent issues with displaying data